Washim Akram Ā  (M Washim Akram)
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Joined 21 December 2017

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Joined 21 December 2017
10 APR AT 19:14

As the blessed month of Ramadan comes to a close, let's rejoice in the spirit of love, compassion, and unity. May this Eid bring abundant joy, peace, and prosperity to your lives.

Let's cherish the moments with our loved ones, indulge in delicious feasts, and spread kindness wherever we go. Remember those who are less fortunate and extend a helping hand to those in need.

May Allah's blessings be upon you and your family today and always..!

Eid Mubarak..!


9 APR AT 21:14

Kashfim : A Name

In an instant, my world was swept away
As if the heavens paused in their array..!
Ethereal beauty, in a glance so brief,
Captured my soul, granted sweet relief.
Her name, like a melody, whispered soft and light,
Kashfim, a name that set my heart alight.

In those eyes, a universe unfolded wide,
With galaxies swirling, stars as our guide.
A smile, a beacon, amidst life's sea,
Drawing me closer, setting my spirit free.

Love at first sight, a phenomenon rare,
Yet in her presence, it was all laid bare.
A connection unspoken, but deeply felt,
In the tapestry of fate, our hearts were knelt.

From that moment on, my journey begun,
To seek her out, beneath the setting sun.
For in Kashfim's gaze, I found my truth,
A love so pure, everlasting youth..!


10 FEB AT 22:27

Misunderstanding :

In the silence, whispers breed,
Misunderstandings take their seed.
Words lost in the space between,
Where meanings shift, unseen.

Eyes that search for truth's embrace,
Caught in the web of doubt's embrace.
Misread signals, tangled lines,
In the labyrinth of misaligned signs.

Each heart beats its own refrain,
Yet, communication seems in vain.
Intentions veiled in cloudy haze,
Lost in the labyrinth's twisting maze.

But in the depths of misunderstanding's shroud,
A glimmer of hope, though disavowed.
For beneath the surface, truth remains,
Yearning to break free from its chains.

So let us tread with care and grace,
Through the tangled mess, embrace.
For in unravelling the knots we find,
A clearer path, to hearts entwined.


8 FEB AT 19:31

Eternal and Beyond:

On this day of love, beneath the azure sky,
Where dreams take flight and hearts amplify,
I stand before you, trembling with emotion,
In this moment, I offer my devotion.

With bated breath and eyes aglow,
I pour my heart out, letting my love flow.
In every word, in every sigh,
I yearn for your sweet "yes" to fly.

In your presence, time stands still,
As I surrender to love's gentle thrill.
With courage fueled by passion's flame,
I ask you now to share my name.

Together, let's paint the canvas of our fate,
With hues of love, never to abate.
On this Propose Day, let's seal our bond,
In a love story of eternal and beyond.


4 FEB AT 21:09

Stella : A Celestial Character.

In fields of innocence, a flower named Stella,
Her laughter, a melody - a captivating acapella..!
Eyes like dewdrops, untouched by strife,
A canvas of purity, the essence of life.

Skipping through meadows, dreams in her hand,
Whispers of wonder, in a magical land
Innocent heart, as gentle as a dove ;
Radiating kindness, a reflection of love.

With each step, she paints joy in the air,
A portrait of innocence, just beyond compare..!
Stella, a sunbeam in a world so wide,
An innocent soul, forever untied.


4 FEB AT 9:07

A Beacon of Hope :

Beneath the canvas of the twilight sky,
Hope for love, like a gentle butterfly.
In the garden of dreams, it starts to bloom,
A tale of hearts, in sweet perfume.

Whispers of promise, carried by the breeze,
Love's potential, dancing through the trees.
A symphony of hope, in nature's embrace,
Love's arrival, a delicate grace.

Eyes that sparkle with anticipation,
Painting a portrait of a shared sensation.
In the tapestry of time, love takes flight,
A beacon of hope, shining so bright.

A melody of laughter, a shared gaze
Love's arrival, in a thousand ways
Hope becomes the anchor, steady and true
As hearts entwine, dreams anew.

In the dance of emotions, a hopeful sway,
Love's journey unfolds, day by day.
A tale of two souls, intertwined,
In the universe of love, forever bind.


4 FEB AT 0:10

Love Song : Space and Time.

In the garden of the heart, love blooms,
A melody of emotions, like sweet perfumes.
Your eyes, the stars that light my night,
In their gaze, everything feels just right.

A dance of feelings, a gentle embrace,
Love's tender touch, a comforting grace.
In your laughter, I find a sweet refrain,
A symphony of joy, erasing all pain.
Your presence, a warmth that never fades,
In the tapestry of love, our story cascades.

Through seasons and storms, we stand strong,
In the lyrics of love, we find our song.
Hand in hand, we navigate this maze,
Our love, a journey, in countless ways.

Like petals of a rose, soft and divine,
Your love, a treasure, forever mine.
In the book of our hearts, each page,
Filled with moments, a love-filled stage.

So here's to us, in this eternal rhyme,
A love poem, written through space and time.


1 FEB AT 22:51

Interstellar Space :

In every parallel universeĀ 
We were the Astrophel and Stella

The light and the darknessĀ 
The alive and the dead ;
The autumn and the winter.Ā 

In our every parallel universe
We are just everything in nature
But apart from one another.


14 MAY 2023 AT 11:04

"One day is not enough to share ;

Majesty of you and the admiration I bear..! "


2 MAY 2023 AT 23:29

Mistimed :

When I see you, my world seems fine
They say your name, and my eyes shine!
The right love song and the wrong rhyme;
The sweet melodies clashed and we fell out of time.

The lyrics were beautiful, but they didn't fit
And our symmetry was lost, in a misfit;
Emotions were deep, but the rhythm was off
And our verses fell flat, in a discordant scoff!

But still, You're twinkling in the memories we made
The laughter we shared and the love we displayed ;
For even though our paths may never intertwine...
But still,
There you hold a special place, in this transient world of mine!


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