Wandering Soul   (Josephine)
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A soul that craves art in all its forms
Joined 2 February 2019

A soul that craves art in all its forms
Joined 2 February 2019
21 APR AT 20:49

Come back soon; see you soon;
will meet you later;
let's plan for next time;
phrases used mindlessly and often,
to anyone known and
sometimes, unknown;
but to the ones that matter,
the heart makes every effort,
in adding a little more soul
to the tone, the demeanor,
and bringing to life, the feelings
of hopeful longing,
yearning and pining!


21 APR AT 20:25

Day lights up my room,
and wakes me up;
Squinting at the golden yellow,
I make a wish, a request no less,
to grab a little glow
and rekindle the dimming hope,
in the bleak darkness of my life,
that keeps me on my toes,
still and solemn, silent and sundry;
A wish unto the heavens,
to wake me up from this dream,
a tiring walk, a traveller lost,
on an endless, starless night.


21 APR AT 1:41

Strangers again now, aren't we?
As I stand here thinking,
how we loved and lived,
I see you forget everything.
Oh, how the time flies!

It wasn't a dream,for I remember it all.
Your eyes looking at me,the curve of your lips,
smiling at me and with me,
every crease in your hand,every mole on your face,
and every inch of our space.

/Full poem in caption/


21 MAR AT 19:25

Heaven's tears to brighten the earth.


21 MAR AT 19:21

I must re-learn how to live again,
and that I'd been happy before you,
so shall I find my happiness,
even if it takes time and not worry
that I can't live without you, anymore.


21 MAR AT 19:17

eat fried chicken with a glass of soda
and play games until I forget the stress
and fall asleep midway.


21 MAR AT 19:14

gathers memories like rust,
around its edges;
it stays there, waiting,
to be opened
by a curious soul;
and with time,
its lustre diminishes not,
for it glows like the sun,
yellow with a red rim;
and the one to open it,
shall have found a treasure,
a piece of life,
filled with experiences,
and lessons invaluable.


19 MAR AT 15:44

you keep going,
for time won't stop,
and this too shall pass,
is what they say,
and I ask them,
how should you keep going,
and they do not know.

So I tell myself,
don't listen to them,
life is when you live it,
and pain gives you lessons
and difficulties, scope to grow.


19 MAR AT 15:40

Do not tell me,
you can provide for me
when all you do is chain me up,
I'm not a flower, nor a trophy
that you display on your glass shelf;
I feel suffocated with your concern,
shouldn't you feel liberated
when someone cares for you?

Do not love me,
just leave me alone;
for I need my space,
to not lose sight of life,
while I'm trying to love myself.


16 MAR AT 18:37

You were busy,
and you finally spotted me;
I who had visited without a word,
hoping you'd just stay in your place,
as I watched you from afar;
you waved at me,
and came to speak to me,
without me asking to;
and it was a dream come true!


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