Vishal Josan   (Vishal Josan)
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Joined 13 November 2020

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Joined 13 November 2020
16 JAN 2022 AT 14:06

Life sure is creepy 😅

No telling what would happen in couple of minutes from now 🙂 no wonder if we die like doing something usual 👀

Sometimes we do take risks of our lives 🤷‍♂️ for somebody else sake too 🙂

But can't deny the fact that we still live and have hope to do something for our precious one 💖
There are many people around us who is depressed from this life and feel lonely 🥺
But still they live 😌

Bcz they still have a hope 🙂 that something will be change sooner or later 😉

As it says life sure is creepy 😂😛 anything miraculous can happen 🖤 just don't loose hope😌🕊️


17 SEP 2021 AT 23:23

गुलदस्ते mai kaha फूल hai 🥀
or kaha कांटे ye achi तरह se पहचानता hu |

Is Zindagi ki भीड़ में अकेले hone ka ehsas
Achi तरह se janta hu 🙂🥀 ||


27 AUG 2021 AT 20:59

Want to see that
How i accross
It by battling
With many obstacles
On it


5 AUG 2021 AT 21:07

Just write the feelings
Which can't explain
By feelings


19 JUL 2021 AT 17:20

पर आज तक अपनों के छोड़ जानें,
का दर्द कैसे भूलाऊ,
वो नहीं समझ सका 🥺


6 JUL 2021 AT 19:40

❤️ Friendship-5❤️ So, Let's start 🥰
So it's part 5, in this I want to discuss about you. yeah you? Means me?😂You think In this journey of friendship,why I am talking about me and you?
We need to talk about our friends 🥺 and their Friendship 😘 , but why about me and about you.? 🙄
As we have friends , we also to be friend of someone 🥺, like you feel someone as Friends 🤧
Someone also feel you as a good or bad Friend🥺 it's depend on you🙄 which type of friend you want to be😊
Even if you try to be a good friend with everyone😉 but you always got some bad Friends🤧
So never left that people who watch a friend in you🥰
Never be rude to him/her who care more than other Friends😝 never break their truth😊
This emotion of friendship is also grown in our inner heart ❣️ so all have different kind of view on this emotion
This emotion🤧 is not totally definable it can assume more than except🥰
❣️~End of Journey~❣️
"What really friendship is"


3 JUL 2021 AT 21:12

❤️❤️ Friendship-4❤️ So, Let's start 🥰

So, in earlier part we was discussing about, How bad friends attach with your feelings? 😣
How they help you to live your life? 🤨
Before starting, I want to ask? Is you want enemies in life? Why? 🤨🤣🤣.
I know it's kinda stupid type question, but they also play a important role in your life 😊😘
Yea that's true 😊
They make you strong to prove them ☺️ what impossible thing you can make possible. 😝
They left you behind, they bully you , they try to let you down ? Am I right? But what you do?🤨
As I think, you try to show them , you not care about them,😒you can live in that environment too,😉you prepare you emotionally strong 😘🥰
These things 😉 help you to survive in today world 😴
Just like enemies , bad Friends If we compare 😴 no difference 🤨
That's why they also important to have some that type friends 😝


2 JUL 2021 AT 22:54

❤️❤️ Friendship- 3 ❤️ So, Let's start 🥰

So what you think ? How Friendship related with your Life? 🤨
How they attached with your emotions? 👀
So, as I know Friends they attached with every emotion of your life. That's true😊. But how?
Do you know ? Who cares wherever your parents can't reach? Whom helped you wherever you want? 🤨. Who is that person who always want you happy? 👀
The answer is Friends☺️they teach us how to cross through difficult situations. 😣
They make you stronger as usual in awkward moments. 😉
But what about friends which left you behind? How they attached to you? 🤨🤨
Answers in next one keep waiting ☺️👀🥰


29 JUN 2021 AT 20:19

❤️❤️ Friendship- 2❤️ So, Let's start 🥰

When we have chance to find "What Really Friendship Is"
So, the first thing we have to know, "From where you get friends"? A simple Question.😐
Surely it's answer will be from all, throughout our whole life we make friends in school, at work, in society, everywhere.😌
But for what purpose? Why we need them?🧐 This question arrive in all mind that Why? Why we need them? 🙄
Why, we can't live without friends 🙄
Is it Possible a life without having Friends?😌


29 JUN 2021 AT 0:47

❤️❤️Friendship - 1❤️🙄 huh 😒

What you really think? what really friendship is? Is it a relation to feel you not be alone?😁
A relation that make sure that someone is always with you?🙄
Or a kind of bond with whom you can trust or share a lot of things in mind?😌
I don't know what's friendship means, I think you all too want to find its mean 🙂
So let's start a conversation on
"What Really Friendship Mean"?🧐


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