Vishal Jaiswal   (Ray laven)
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Joined 23 June 2019

Joined 23 June 2019
11 MAR 2021 AT 13:19

शिव शून्य


2 MAR 2021 AT 7:46

We write ✍🏻 about things that we feel. And I’m like that


28 FEB 2021 AT 12:40

It’s not about looking good , people are always hiding things. I just keep shooting until I can see what's really inside them. If U believe in eternity. Then life is irrelevant. The same as a bug is irrelevant in comparison to universe. If U don't believe in eternity , then what u do here is irrelevant. Your actions here are all that mattters. Then nothing matters. There's no ultimate consequences. I couldn't live like that. So we need to think. I need to know , I’m interested in what I’m feeling there is something. I think they hurt too. I’d like to hear it. I have a gift for observation for reading people in situations. But sometimes, I am wrong.


26 FEB 2021 AT 14:05

ये एक व्यथा है और परिदृश्य भी जिनसे मैं हमेशा गुजरता हुआ खुद को पाता हूँ उसका एक छोटा सा अंश लिख रहा ।🙇🏻✍🏻आज के समय को देखूँ तो निष्कर्ष ये निकलता है कि भय ने पंगु कर दिया है और अब निवारण ये है कि इस पंगुता को तोड़ना होगा। ये जो परिस्थितियाँ उत्पन्न होती हैं कई विशेषताओं से घिरी हैं कई रहस्य हैं तो कई पहेलियाँ हैं इनमें और और ये भय ही भगवान है भय में भगवान है कई बार हम जब आगे बढ़ते हैं तो ऐसी ही चीजें देखने को मिलती हैं इसके बाहर आते ही हम वो नहीं रह जाते जो थे । तो कई हद तक भय का होना भी अच्छा है पर एक निश्चित सीमा निर्धारित हो उसकी । उसकी उपयोगिता अनुसार और हम उस मर्म तक तब ही पहुँच पाएँगे जब हमें साक्षात्कार होगा । तो क्या अभी भी बहना बह जाना होगा डूबना होगा वो समय का अंतराल मिलेगा या यूँ ही हर एक छोटे अनुभव या खुद में विश्लेषण होता रहे ये प्रश्न काफ़ी हिलोर करते हैं अंदर जो काँटे की तरह चुभते हैं कुछ स्थिर नहीं होता है यहाँ। मन ही अस्थिर है कहीं भी कभी भी जा आ रहा है । काफ़ी समय से प्रयास में हूँ विचारशून्य होने के लिए तत्पर रहता हूँ विचारशून्य कि स्थिति प्राप्त हो पर सम्भव नहीं है । life के dimension सभी variation से रूबरू हो रहा धीरे-धीरे पर ..............


23 FEB 2021 AT 19:33

Tough love make u feel good?
Helping people feel their pain.
U dont like yourself.
But U do admire yourself.
It’s all you've got, so u cling to it.
You're so afraid if u change.
You’ll lose what makes u special.


22 FEB 2021 AT 21:22

I’m just gonna rewrite u one last time. Love isn't patient & kind & humble. love is ........ love is messy, & horrible & selfish & bold. It’s not finding u perfect half. It’s the trying. ........ reaching & love is being willing to ruin your good painting for the chance at a great one.
Is this really the boldest stroke u can make ?


22 FEB 2021 AT 0:51

We’re less interested in meeting the person u think we want u to be and far more interested in getting to know the person u really are. Perhaps the earth was made round so that we would not see too far down the road. We set out on journeys full of hopes and expectations, but when we arrive, the destination never ends up looking exactly the way we had hoped it would. Bcoz i didn't want to.


21 FEB 2021 AT 8:09

Science explains the universe without the need of inventing a Supernatural being. The burden of proof isn't on me. If I said there was an invisible some in the room with us. U shouldn't believe me just bcoz U can't prove me wrong. Bcoz there are things in my life that are way worse. This is me and I am Ur friend


21 FEB 2021 AT 1:07

As long as i can remember. Unlocking the mechanisms that govern the physical universe.


19 FEB 2021 AT 7:30

When u think there's some1 for u but he/she really isn't there when u falter in life and nurse an illusion that many people are with u and u have many friends and if not that at least there is some1 very special very special to hold u. He/she will surely lift u up. But when the expectation shatters it's the worst feeling.


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