Vidheya Kumari   (Vidheya)
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Joined 28 August 2016

Joined 28 August 2016
18 SEP 2023 AT 23:18

जिसने तुझे कभी न देखा हो
वह भी तेरा आभास कर जाये

है काशी की गलियों में ऐसा भी क्या
जो हर मन महादेव कर जाये

तेरे डमरू सा निर्भीक
तेरी जटाओं सा प्रबल
हर चौराहे पर तेरा साक्षात्कार हो जाये

है काशी की गलियों में ऐसा भी क्या
जो जीवन का हर सत्य बताये

तेरे तीर पे बैठी
एक शून्य सी हो जाती हूँ
हूँ मुसाफ़िर
तेरे संग बहती चली जाती हूँ

है वो कौनसा किनारा तेरा
जो आधा आधा है
हर घाट पर तो तेरा ही गुंजन है
गंगा, तुझमें तो मेरा कण कण साधा है

चहुँओर चीत्कार करती हुई
आरती की लय में समा जाती है

है काशी की गलियों में ऐसा भी क्या
जो साथ चलती और रह भी जाती है ।।


18 SEP 2022 AT 21:21

Looks between the wilted sheets
Of what once was her everyday memoir
Hands moist from all the leftovers
A half torn note, a distorted dandelion
A stuck in time polaroid
Echoes of the bygones
Whisper sweet nothings in her ears
Open the windows of the world behind
And take them with you
To forget is to kill
To live, is to grow.


28 FEB 2022 AT 16:58

I know we chase each other
Through the roads, and passing trees
You look at me past your glorious stars
I catch a glimpse of you
through a row of trees
We don't know who all we've left behind
But the constants are always who remain.


20 NOV 2021 AT 0:09

कहानियां तो सब लिखते हैं
सपने लिख कर देखो ना
हर लफ्ज़ कुछ मांग रहा है
तुम हंस कर हाँ कह दो ना
कुछ कह रही हैं इनकी टिमटिमाती आँखें
ज़रा प्यार से सुन लो ना
इनकी कुछ नादानियाँ हैं
हलकी फुल्की शैतानियां हैं
और हो भी क्यों ना
सपने देखना थोड़ी ना मना है |


1 JAN 2022 AT 21:48

Oh the sight! Of what it would be.
When under the moon you shine.
The dome, all decorated.
I click a picture in my mind.

Sit around the vast courtyard.
Looking through the endless bundles of faith.
Your words, eternal.
Echo in the crowded space.

The faqir, with his harmonium.
Sings love ballads of times immemorial.
Oh how it fits so well.
Today, tomorrow, and forever.

The music occupies all space.
And there is nothing left in between.
The hums, and tones remain.
To begin the course of life again.


17 SEP 2021 AT 20:46

When I am sleepless,
My eyes rest on you.
The tender greens, and the cold breeze
Remind me of a time gone by.
But how do I say it's gone by
When it still stays with me?
Do you see the makeshift swing on the banyan tree?
Swinging in its own rhythm.
And the fallen leaf
Which rests peacefully in my diary.
I am keeping it in the present
Where I have stopped to write today.
The page will reminisce the day
And will wait for when I open it tomorrow.


12 JUN 2021 AT 20:59

Everyday, in the evening
I sit on my terrace, watching clouds.
Slow, fluffy air balls
Floating in the infinite sky.
Birds watch me from a height
Thinking my life is mundane
Yet, I watch the clouds with utter disbelief
Some days, they are cotton candies
Coming out from behind that huge Sheesham tree
That my neighbour has planted years ago
Today they were in a rush
They seemed heavy, with baggage weighing them down
Within no time, they reached the hilltop behind my home
And started to cry
Maybe they wanted to talk to their friend
Or maybe, they covered up and safeguarded them. Who knows?


27 MAY 2021 AT 20:05

इन बारिशों से पूछो कितनी मुद्दत से इंतज़ार था इनका
आंखों में आकर भी बरसती ही नहीं थी।


12 MAY 2021 AT 0:48

One day, I'll have my own answers
To the questions I kept asking you.

The flowers that didn't bloom
The leaves that were crushed under mortar
The promises that you never brought
And the fireflies that you exhausted.

One day, it will all be about my freedom
From the webs that you forged around me
Seemingly looking intricate
For me to be fooled into the beauty.

One day, the beauty will shed the truth
And declare the wrath to the world.

One day, it will not be about your answers
But mine, with me, all along.


7 MAY 2021 AT 0:33

आईना तो वह भी है जो तुम्हें तुम्हारा चेहरा दिखाए
जैसे हो वैसा ही बिल्कुल दिखाए
ना उन्नीस ना बीस करे वो
ना गोरा ना काला
तुम जैसे हो, वैसा दिखाए
मगर जब रात को तुम सिरहाने अपनी नींद रखे
यादों का बक्सा खोलते हो
और बरसों पुरानी कोई बात निकाल
अपने आप को बीते कल में देखते हो
थोड़े सकपकाए हुए
शायद सकुचाए हुए
चेहरे पर मुखौटा लगाए हुए
आज जब उस वक्त को याद करते हो
तो क्या वो तुम्हारा आईना नहीं है?


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