Verity Unveiled   (Aparna)
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Joined 4 May 2019

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Joined 4 May 2019
8 APR AT 22:31

I was happy only to realise,
That I didn't break your heart, but you did break mine, it's okay.
That I never left you alone, but you did leave me, it's okay.
That I never cheated on you, but you did, it's okay.
That I never gave up on convincing our parents, but you did, it's okay
And when I made it, you found another love.... it's.... okay....
I truly understand, true love is bearing the pain alone, and praying that you will stay happy forever, sometimes love demands sacrifices.
I did everything on my part....What I don't understand is... Heaven's...Why me? Am I that brave?.... .... it's okay...
Though you never cared!! But always claimed that you love me... it's ... okay...
But I still long for that love....and it's... okay...


7 APR AT 20:01


Life is all about falling in love with yourself.
The more you love yourself, the less you long for a company.


29 MAR AT 19:23

Chaos and silence are the two faces of the same coin, it's on you which one to go for....


20 MAR AT 23:04

#Harsh but true!!

Just by their actions....
Some glorify the meaning of love as the period till they make use of you to the maximum extent.


16 MAR AT 9:55

A teacher never lets their students fall or stumble, untill they wish to teach them how to stand.


5 MAR AT 0:17

के शज़रों की पत्तियों का वो इक झोंके में लहलहाना,
कि स्याही का वो कलम से लड़़खड़ा के यूॅं बैह जाना,
कि पन्नों पे लिखे नामों की तरह, वक्त से भी मिट जाना।
किसको है पता की क्या है ये ज़माना?, वो अनकहा पैमाना...वो अनकहा पैमाना...?


17 FEB AT 20:53

While sitting under a cedar tree
Listening to the mellow breeze
Some pleasant thoughts brought back the pangs
Her wound grew deeper as the memories sprang
And as they fell on earth , the tears she cried
Of separation from her lover, not of the distance she died
Her love oh love! the only man she loved
Who she couldn't stay with, in her life so tough!
Wherever they fell (tears) , in bugyals Or in alleys
of huge rocks amidst the mountain valleys
Every pearl of her pain transformed to a lily
Fragrance oh fragrance how subtle , a dilly
of a scent, the huey scent of true love
Spreading to the miles ahead and heights above
Lilly o lilly they were spread everywhere
As a token of respect to her love, pain and tears.
As an ode , to remind her lover if he ever returned
That she waited for him for her whole life undiscerned.


7 DEC 2023 AT 21:36

The swag:

(IFF EVER) When people give me weird grins and looks (portraying they don't like me)

"I don't like you either" 😜


30 NOV 2023 AT 23:22

जुबां पे नज़ाकत का रुतबा बड़ा है
के कह के तो देखे जरा ये ज़माना
नज़र पे भी सबकी जो ताला पड़ा है

इल्म की मीनार का तअस्सुर था ऐसा
की वो शख्सियत की मिक़्नातीसिय्यत
में हम कही खो गए,

मसरूफ़ियत में लगे लगे जानिब हम
कभी इधर कभी उधर तनफ़्फ़ुस ही में गुम हो
शाख ए जां के परिंदे भी सारे उड़ गए

के कहते थे वो अजी हम हैं तो यहाँ पे
तुम्हें है ज़रूरत तो कह दो ज़ुबॉ से
के लफ्ज़ों के पैमाने भी अजब हैं यहाँ पे

के जो अंजुमन में भी कोई मुद्दा उठा है
के मालूम नहीं के सुफैद है ये कितना
कोई जुंबिश का देखो जुर्माना पड़ा है
कोई जुंबिश का देखो जुर्माना पड़ा है


30 NOV 2023 AT 22:28

It's easier to blame, than to stand amidst the err and be a helping hand to rectify it.


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