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Joined 5 October 2017
30 MAR AT 19:59

Colorful array
each petal an untold tale
nature's artistry


30 MAR AT 19:50

In the vast canvas of existence
life unfurls in a spectrum of hues
each moment a stroke of vibrant color
a symphony of shades
ever-changing, ever-evolving..

The dawn breaks in a cascade of golden light
painting the sky with a palette of pinks and purples
a promise of a new day, a fresh beginning
where possibilities bloom like flowers in a meadow


30 MAR AT 19:45

In fields of gold
where dandelions sway
their delicate seeds carried by the breeze
each wish they hold, love's dream display
a dance of affection whispered by the trees

Sweethearts entwined beneath the azure sky
their hearts gleams with passion pure
their love, so true, a bond so strong
encased in forever


30 MAR AT 19:35

In the field of verse
where blooms a poet's craft
with ink-stained hands
sowing seeds of rhyme and reason
nurturing stanzas, letting them grow
in golden dawn and amber dusk
poetic flowers bloom and thrive
tapestry of beauty
a sight to behold


30 MAR AT 19:29

In the stillness
colors blend and fade
echoes of dreams unspoken
silent reveries
visions of the unknown swirl
random thoughts


29 FEB AT 6:59

In the moonlit grace
silent vows in starry skies
love blooms, untold words
galaxies witness our tale
written in constellations
together forever


29 FEB AT 6:45

Lunar sonnets hum
echoes of serendipity
hearts in kaleidoscope
ethereal dance, a symphony
in your soul, love's alchemy


29 FEB AT 6:36

Aetherial whispers
chimeric hearts intertwine
cosmic sonnets bloom
in our devoted moments
love's enigma finds its plume


14 FEB AT 6:54

In dawn's golden glow
love blossoms like spring blooms
hand in hand, in each other's arms
souls find solace and shelter
sweetness of velvety hugs and kisses
sweethearts entwined in bliss
as seasons may come and go
fragrance of their bond, so pure
true love's essence steadfast
together forever


14 FEB AT 6:39

Souls entwined like a sacred verse
true love they share together
promises forever


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