Varsha Mani Tripathi   (Shiva❤️)
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Shivangi Mani Tripathi
Joined 7 October 2019

Shivangi Mani Tripathi
Joined 7 October 2019
24 DEC 2021 AT 20:39

I love the chill cold
of December,
As well as
the days of ember.
But when I kill my self esteem
I start dying slowly ..!

I know I'd be loved by all
If I change myself,
As per the different forms.
But when I'd unshape
I start losing slowly..!

the glory of world
Elates me, outer
But damages my soul, inner.

So, like a viel
I enfold my falsify
To save me from the world..!


15 OCT 2021 AT 22:55

'She' - The strength of Her.

Crimping her all wills
she moves to you.
No means,,
She can't steps alone.
She Dreamth!
Now slighted.
No means -
She won't have power
transform onto real.
Her sketchy dreams,
Limited desires,
Colorless rainbow,
Not all Her choices.
Nature has taught
To played Her role
As seasoned player.
One way to love
To keep love!!


5 SEP 2021 AT 16:31

I wonder
how a tree sheds its old leaves
and thrives on new
doesn't it feel sad to lose its love
Or is it raised to keep creating till the end!

Why the river just keeps on moving
Without getting tired,
While it has no existence till the end!

Moon rises ups and down,
Sun shines ,
the water change its forms
the stars make,
the night beautiful.

I think
Nature has appointed
these teachers without any salary
for us to learn important basics of life
And carry out all the light inside us
to get help faded the Dark inside us.


30 AUG 2021 AT 0:40

A girl without love
Always try
To create theme
Of perfect love poem.


30 AUG 2021 AT 0:30

Holding my all pains
Thanks YQ.
To mingle me
With my best version.


25 JUL 2021 AT 20:42

मैं मन, मेरी अभिलाषा शिव
मैं जिह्वा, मेरी भाषा शिव
इस बुझते मन की आशा शिव
मेरे जीवन की साशा शिव..!!


18 JUL 2021 AT 21:48

like a bubble rising in water,
When it dances from mind to heart
Lay immense rapt.
All sudden when there is urge to hold it,
Arrive back in memory lane.
It vanish nd I feel truant.

Neither absence nor presence,
Only an illusion amid your entity or not.
And the warmth of essence.

Sometimes the pain, it reduce.
Sometimes the pain, it cause.
Sometimes it's reason to create life
Sometimes it's reason to depart life.

Journey to the past,
To make the future even better.
Wrapping what was Yesterday,
To drown in the new Today.

It's nothing
Just the manna of God.
Have met the necessity
and ethics of Alls.



24 JUN 2021 AT 16:04

"An imperfect love song"

Whenever I steek to penned a love song.
My love grow feeble even my song along.
They can't be hold each one prolong
And always I create a love less song.

Whenever I write at midnight.
That was fierce and bitter fight.
Though His memories burn me ignite.
Still my love say, to stay polite.

Always I do mistaken same.
Write and write but nothing gain.
In the end forever in my Pen.
Only an imperfect love song remain.

From the seven colour of the Sun.
Like the sky choosen only blue.
I'll script millions patchy songs.
Scribbling a perfect love song for you.


11 JUN 2021 AT 15:08

सब्र लबो में नहीं, लफ्ज़ गिरफ्त में उसके,
ये जद्दोजहद कैसी..
मस'अला क्या है!!

ना दाखिला दिल में वाजिब,ना बंदिशे कोई,
जो ठहर ही ना रहा...
सिलसिला क्या है!!

अक्सर जी चुराना उनसे,वस्ल में उनको ही पाना,
ये कहर इश्क का...
वसवसा क्या है!!

नब्ज उनमें भी वही;वही हम भी रखते हैं,
बसर इक दूसरे में...
फलसफा क्या है !!

इक सहर को आयें;वो ठहरने शहर में मिरे,
अब शहर ही ना रहा मिरा...
मोजिजा क्या है !!


5 JUN 2021 AT 13:53

उजाड़कर घर परिंदों का,
खुद का आशियां सजाते हैं।
कई मुद्दतो से बनकर भी,
हर बार बिखर जाते हैं।।

खैर अब तो सांसे भी बिक रहीं,
हम भी खरीद लाते हैं।
रश्म है यहां तो,
हम पर्यावरण दिवस मनाते हैं।।

चीरकर शजरो का सीना,
नये शहर बनाते हैं।
पहले तो दवा ही बनाते थे,
अब मर्ज भी हम ही बनाते हैं।।

हवा ,पानी , मिट्टी,
हक सब पर जताते हैं।
अरे कोई मज़ाक थोड़ी है!
हम प्रकृति के सर्वज्ञानी जीव कहलाते हैं।।


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