Vaishnavi Verma  
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Okay. Everything!
Joined 3 March 2018

Okay. Everything!
Joined 3 March 2018
9 JAN 2022 AT 22:42

आ चल, चलें...
जिंदगी से कुछ और मांगे,
सपने तो हैं ही,
चल सपनों को जिद बनाते है।
उनपर अड़ जाते हैं,
क्या करना है?
क्या होगा?

कुछ पता तो नहीं,
चल उम्मीद में भागें..
चल लड जाते है ना,
क्या जाता है
खुश नसीब है वो,
जिसने हार देखी है
क्यूंकि जीत का स्वाद तो तभी आता है ना,
आ चल, चलें...
जिंदगी से कुछ और मांगे।


5 SEP 2021 AT 20:00

Whil the world applauds their love,
I imagine Dimple conversing with the memories of Vikram,
Wondering the same thing the world wonders today,
What if their love was longer together?
Although it will last forever, such love is never ending.


20 AUG 2021 AT 22:02

खुश कब थी आखिरी बार?
आंखें बंद करके वो पल ढूंढते हूं,
कमबख्त कहीं दिखता क्यूँ नहीं?

मतलबी कहती है दुनिया,
मतलब कहीं दिखता क्यूँ नहीं?
बदल गई हो कहती है दुनिया,
बदलाव कहीं दिखता क्यूँ नहीं?

ये जो दुनिया कहती है,
ये कहीं दिखता क्यूँ नहीं?

क्या आंखे बंद हो गई मेरी?
या मन देखना नहीं चाहता?

अब कुछ दिखता क्यूँ नहीं?


19 AUG 2021 AT 13:10

What's history today, was reality someday.
What's reality today, will be history someday.


23 JUL 2021 AT 14:11

I hate the feeling of not knowing.


19 JUL 2021 AT 2:27

Will you be the one who stays forever?
Or will you be the one who ruins forever.
If you do, will you love forever?
If you don't, will you run forever?

If you do,
Will you love me the way,
I love myself?
Or will you,
Ask me to change?

If you don't,
After years when we meet,
Would you say, you regret it?
Or you would ignore me and walk down the street the happiest you could be?

Or in a parallel world,
You would never leave me.
Even if you did,
You'd try to win me back the hardest you could try.

Will you love me forever?


19 JUL 2021 AT 2:24

Loved being a kid, thinking it would last forever.
No judging eyes whatsoever, no crying nights ever.

No heartbreaks, no failures.
No sleepless nights, no cruel sights.
No worries about our rights.

No discrimination, no fighting nations.
No pending assignments, no need to buy eye bag lotions.

No need for strikes, didn't have to fight.
Didn't know what was right, had no frights.

Everything was rainbows, cinderally had left a shoe,
Sleeping beauty was sleeping, while Beauty had tamed her beast.

Superheroes ran the world, rape stood no chance.
Black and white were just colours, death was the only monster.


19 JUL 2021 AT 2:21

I often wonder,
If I were a guy,
Would it still all be same?

Would I still,
Have to fight for basic rights?
For working at night?

What type of man would I be?
Empathetic? Sympathetic?
Or pathetic?

Would I still care,
For basic rights of the voiceless?
For those who suffer?

Would I still be called,
A melodramatic person?
Or are the actions of a man justified?

I have no answers,
But I often wonder,
Would life have been easier?

Fights easier to win,
Violence answer to all,
Wouldn't have to reason at all.


19 JUL 2021 AT 2:19

the feeling of love is unexplainable.
It feels so right, almost magical.
Makes you wish you just
reach out and touch it,
grab it and never let it go.

often you're not able to grab it
and when it slips away
oh that pain, that excruciating pain.
But when you grab it,
you're the luckiest person alive.

The feeling of looking into their eyes.
You'd know they were not lying,
when they said the whole world dissapears.
Cheeks red, fumbling words,
you say it out loud.

The feeling of having them,
the person you want to hold forever with you.
To know that you will have them,
they make all problems dissolve,
they make you risk it all.

Love is an euphoria,
Unexplainable, not indescribable.
But the feeling
puts every description to shame.
Love is something
to live for and to fight for.


12 JUL 2021 AT 14:53

School life


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