vagabond solitaire   (Vagabond_solitaire115)
152 Followers · 132 Following

Joined 27 August 2019

Joined 27 August 2019
22 APR AT 20:50

To fulfill this unfinished tale...
Which Started with eruptions..
Yet, Abandoned...
Though you have returned..
Your absence is still never-ending..
The wait is over nevertheless the soul is still in race, to return once more, to the heart's door.
Come closer to fulfill this unfinished tale..


19 APR AT 0:18

Tell me a place where you don't exist!?
You are in the the rain.. and in pain
Tell me where you live?
In the spring, in the swim, in a creek or a lake...
In muscle or bone? In the Air or the tear?


16 APR AT 21:29

Sometimes to hide the truth which pierces as an arrow into the heart..
At times to save the bond...
Many times to satiate a few souls...

Nevertheless it is misleading to shoot a bullet.. point blank.. heart wrenching.. as if every string snaps out of the same soul..

Every lie is a lie... Either it's a big little lie or a little big lie


15 APR AT 21:39

Feeling the pain
Moulding the rocks
Polishing the stone
Shining like a diamond


14 APR AT 22:47

May you help humanity to improve than destroy..
Just remember you might be knowledgeable but not more intelligent than us.


13 APR AT 22:21

Furious in the day, Placid in the night...
Vibrant outside, Soft inside...
Love is like a Summer rain
Unplanned, unexpected, unintentional
Yet, quenches the thirst, delightful and mesmerizing...!
Though it is evanescent, it's enamoured. 😍


12 APR AT 22:53

From humans to thoughts..


11 APR AT 23:44

A room of unsaid and unexplained thoughts and feelings, which can only be expressed through music.


26 DEC 2021 AT 22:53

One thing in this world,
which sends chills down my spine,
which causes adrenaline rush,
The one which is,
as divine as meditating,
as soothing as music,
as appealing as our love
It's the only thing which has the power to make me transcend to the world of tranquility


23 JUL 2021 AT 12:12

Worst part of being a girl:
Not having a home


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