वां छा   (Wish..🌻)
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Joined 8 January 2020

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Joined 8 January 2020
6 JUN 2021 AT 23:52

मेरी हर एक कमी को तू पूरा करे है हाँ कुछ इस तरह,
जैसे सूखे से शाखों ने पत्तों को फिर से हाँ दी हो पनाह ...


1 JUN 2021 AT 0:37

"You are not even looking at me ,
I didn't hurt you, why are you not talking to me .
you are still the most beautiful person just look at me I still love you "
- Mirror trying to cheer up her


30 MAY 2021 AT 21:19

Dear Diary,

I always found it weird
how can someone scribbled on you,
I didn't realize while criticising you,
You became important part of my life.
isn't it interesting sometime
when I forget myself,
you are first one who
makes me realize that,
No, you are not this, this is not your kind of thing....

Thanks for being there .


30 MAY 2021 AT 20:52

"I don't miss you "
"I don't want you back "
She yelled looking at sky with her teary eyes.

Her words are fake,
Her eyes says the truth.


29 MAY 2021 AT 22:07

"Stop pretending fine with your happy face .... there is nothing fine around you "
Yelled the situation ,

"Let's try once again may be someone needs this happy face to stay calm in this situation "
The Heart whispered .


19 MAY 2021 AT 19:35



18 MAY 2021 AT 23:09

वो अपनेपन से भागती हैं, वो प्यार से डरती हैं,
कोई फिक्र करे तो रूख मोड़ लेती हैं,

कुछ तो गुज़रा होगा उसकी जिंदगी में..!!


28 MAR 2021 AT 11:53

सवाल है कई, उसके जवाब चाहिए.. एेसे चले जाने का हिसाब चाहिए..
नाखुश वो भी है दूर होकर, खुश रखना उसे रब्बा..
अगर मुमकिन हो दोबारा,
तो मुझे वही यार चाहिए ..


8 MAY 2020 AT 18:41

She spread happiness and people empty her ...
She has to get away to refill...


19 MAY 2021 AT 0:55

Before you build walls of resistance around you,
Before you loose the strength to ever love again,
Before you loose your soul in trying to love the soul
who don't deserve it ....
Take yourself back....


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