Tulsi Mahanto   (Tulsi Mahanto)
158 Followers · 6 Following

|IIM Indore|
Joined 4 January 2019

|IIM Indore|
Joined 4 January 2019
27 SEP 2021 AT 1:13

The grass appears a lot greener
from a distant view.
With some dew it also looks
beautiful and picturesque.
As I go closer, the gaps in grass widens.
It feels slightly better than dryland
but still there is nothing new.

The sun appears to be non existant,
The mist and fog surrounds my view.
The rising sun fades the fog and dew
The short lasting faded illusory view
is replaced by clear wide real reality.
But then again I find that
still there is nothing new.


2 JUL 2021 AT 22:03

It's not all flat and simple as it seems
That can be walked just like that.
It's an Mirage as there are gaps in between.
Walking here requires Parkour skill set.

The steps here are bit far away
than our usual steps length.
one need to stretch a bit more and
place next step with subtle strength.

The repeating process
might seems daunting.
But isn't it walking above it
Is just exciting.
At times one may questions,
is walking this path
even worthy at all?
That something for you
to choose my pal!


30 MAY 2021 AT 16:52

ख्यालों का बवंडर है
पर कुछ लिखा न जा रहा
अब शब्दो से भी ख्याले
बयान न हो पा रहा l

कहने को तो बहुत कुछ रहता
पर सुनने सुनाने का माहोल कहां ?
जिस पल कुछ पूछ लिया जाए
उस पल मुकर जाते वो ख्याल,
और वो जुबान पे आते कहां?

शायद खयालों की गलती नही,
उनकी तो फितरत ही है चंचल सी
शायद हम ही कर जाते है गलती
की खुद की खयालों में उलझ कर
न कह पाते अपने ही मन की l


12 MAY 2021 AT 14:28

In the midst of duty and dreams,
Floats the boat of life.
In the midst of day and night,
Floats the choice of work.

In the midst of right and wrong,
Floats the choice of decision.
In the midst of good and bad,
Floats the choice of action.

In the midst of mundane and novel,
Floats the choice of willingness.
In the midst of duty and dreams,
Floats the boat of life.


8 MAR 2021 AT 0:29

As the day falls I rise.
I emerge inevitably in absence of light
Creating a moment of nothingness.
Until I faint away before next sunrise.

People call me darkness.
Attributes me with all negativity.
But I am just nothing
just absence of light.
But still why so harshness?

Anyway I am inevitable and quintessential
No matter what I am designated
I Will keep coming back regularly
Unill the moment of creation lifecycle.


20 FEB 2021 AT 19:55

Finding Someone New EveryDay!
Finding Something Unseen.
Peeking Into Places Everyday!
Where I have never been.

Finding The beauty of nature!
Finding Something very new.
Noticing the natural architecture!
Which has been noticed by few.

Finding about myself everyday!
Finding Something inward.
Searching for all the answers!
Which are till unanswered.


13 FEB 2021 AT 23:25

I kept walking into unknown,
Until today when I looked back..

I realised the places weren't dark,
As they seemed to be.
Seemingly fish were not shark
As they seemed to be.

I realised heights weren't as high
As they seemed to be.
Seemingly shy weren't as shy
As the seemed to be.

I kept walking into unknown
Until today when I looked back.
That fights weren't as hard
As they seemed to be.


9 FEB 2021 AT 11:50

Am I Destined to or,
Is there something I can write?
Should I walk with norms
Or override them and invite a fight?

Am I only supposed to or
Is there something called right?
Should I be in the barriers
Or Break them in search of light?

The answer lies within me,
It's completely clear and bright .
For Am I Destined to or
Is there something I can write.


7 NOV 2020 AT 17:58

When I touch your waist,
You hold my finger.
Then I kiss you
That's why I miss you.

You hold my tea
Which I want to sip,
But when I dip my biscuit
You eat half of it.

Our love remains empty
When it will full fill,
You hold my tea
And also my dil.


2 NOV 2020 AT 10:18

Mistake happens often
It teaches us life lessons
What to do what not to do.
Which creates in mind
A deep impression.

Two ways you can go
after making a mistake
Either learn from it
and take takeaways.
Or Forget it as if
It hadn't happened


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