Tracy Excelyn   (Oye Tracy💖)
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Joined 23 October 2018

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Joined 23 October 2018
3 MAR 2022 AT 12:04

It's okay to be okay today and not okay tomorrow.
It's alright if yesterday,you were happy but can't bring yourself to get up from bed today because of all the pain of a few years back.
There is no timeline for grief or for feeling pain. It's okay if you feel like your life is an emotional rollercoaster.
Do not run away from your emotions,face them head on....Talk it out,scream it out loud and let go in ways that help.
Because after a while of wallowing in your emotions, you'd have to do something about them.
Just know,that it's alright if you don't feel okay sometimes.
After all, healing,as they say,is not linear.


3 MAR 2022 AT 11:43

If you cannot or won't love me right,if you cannot or won't hold me like you should,then please.....please let go of me.

When I love,I lose myself and give all I can till it chokes me up....and when you walk away,I draw closer and wait for you to come back. And with each step you take towards me,I draw even closer....I give my all until I'm left broken and empty.
And so if you will not love me like you should,then please,have the courage and decency to walk away from me.


21 DEC 2021 AT 11:10

Day breaks and then my heart leaps with joy and hope. As the light brightens,my smile does same.
"It's going to be a good day" I tell myself. Sometimes,it ends up being great...other times though,not so much.....

But my hope,it never fades or dulls.
The sun goes down,yet my hope rises even higher, expecting to see an even brighter sun tomorrow....

Other days though,I feel like the hopeless optimist.... ignoring reality and insisting on seeing the world through rose coloured glasses.


11 DEC 2021 AT 11:49

Peace......To live in a world I can truly call home ...a world of safety, love and eternal peace.


11 DEC 2021 AT 11:45

Love isn't always just emotions.
Most times it's about choices and that makes love hard.
Because choices,or put correctly, making choices, comes with rationality and consideration. It's never just what you feel... because a few or a hundred things come into play. Sometimes these things don't matter and you can work around them...other times,they matter so much you can't ignore. So you just choose.....but choose what?


1 SEP 2021 AT 9:47

One of the most difficult things for an over thinking mind is living in the moment.
Letting go and allowing things to be just what they are? That's almost impossible. There's always a question of yesterday, tomorrow and today. Everything has an effect and everything is an effect of something and we just have to know it all. And of course we find a hundred answers and it's all mostly points to us; something we did or think we did, something we didn't do or things we couldn't.
It's hard to get such a mind to stop working overtime but you know what? Instead of trying to stop over working our precious minds,let's do this.....
Think,think about absolutely what could go wrong...or right, think of yesterday, tomorrow, today,every possibility....and then CHOOSE. Choose what makes you feel happy or safe...or reckless,maybe even a little foolish...Wait, what?...don't blame me,I'm overthinking this too.....but seriously,just be,be sad, happy, worried or whatever...just make sure they don't hold you back from JOY.


26 AUG 2021 AT 7:59

Do not drink from the cup of bitterness! I promise you there is not enough to quench your thirst.

The cup of bitterness looks wonderfully appealing though dark. It beckons to you singing a song of vengeance and promises of justice.
Once you take a sip,it fills you up until it drowns you in your oddly shining darkness. And then as you drown,you find yourself thirstier than you had ever been.

Do not drink from the cup of bitterness! It will intoxicate you and only lead you on a road full of pain, sorrow and anger that can never be placated. And sadly,that journey has no destination of freedom.


26 AUG 2021 AT 7:38

"We never know what we have until we lose it" ~ unknown
Have you ever wondered why that is? Probably... because we lose things all the time. We never really think of losing things and most importantly,people. That's just how life works,it's all a normal routine so we just live...or ...'be' (seems more fitting).
The look in a loved one's eyes,the laughter of a friend,the tone of voice of a parent when they're mad,happy or proud...Simple moments like a touch on your shoulder or a pat on the head...Or it could just be how they move or smile...
We don't really stop to appreciate and engrave these in our minds and hearts. That is until we can no longer see,feel or hear any of these simple pleasures...and then we try desperately to remember the exact way it was... Until we find, that we cannot...


4 AUG 2021 AT 21:16

The prettiest things draw us in to take a second look and then more. That's just the aura of shiny things...but...
What if beauty was the beast? What if beauty held all the power in the world?
What if beauty,as alluring as she was,had the most repelling nature? What if her ugly surpassed her graceful cover?..........

Would the kind hearted man stay? Would he see beyond the actions and dare to break through her elegantly wrapped darkness ? Would he let his light outshine her darkness till she was more of the light?.....or would he run?
Better yet.....would he try to tame her darkness and claim her powerful aura for himself?....


29 JUL 2021 AT 20:06

Braving through life leaves us with a few or a million scars...and on most days we wish we never had them or ever felt the pain of the wounds inflicted. But our scars aren't meant to weaken us, they're not there to make us feel ashamed....our scars hold portions of our inner beauty and hope to be reflected in the way we live. They are reminders of what we have been through and the lessons we learnt along the way. Our scars are signs of victory over our past mistakes and sorrows and certainly marks of the strength we hold inside. These scars,visible or not,hold weapons of some sort to help us rise above whatever comes our way. One day,we will overcome every pain of the past and present ...and hopefully,our scars don't pull us into yesterday....but propel us to shine on anyway,today and the days to come.


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