Tias Roy   ('Cat'astrophe)
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A felinist obsessed with fandoms and often lost on the concept of life.
Joined 27 March 2018

A felinist obsessed with fandoms and often lost on the concept of life.
Joined 27 March 2018
23 MAR 2019 AT 13:58

It's difficult to let go of people who you thought meant the world to you. But there's no grace in clinging on when you clearly know you are standing at the periphery of their lives. So even if it breaks your heart, you gotta let them go. Let them be happy. Specially when they are much happier without you. Isn't that what you do for the people you love?


19 MAR 2019 AT 11:27

(Read in caption)


13 MAR 2019 AT 22:41

I hope someday we will truly be happy.

We will sit in our balcony, watching the sunset, my head resting on your shoulder. You will talk about something funny without having to suppress the melancholy in your voice with your loud laughter and I will not have to pretend to ignore it and laugh along, I will laugh carefree.
Our dog will get jealous and demand attention, while our cat will roll its eyes at the 'unsophisticatedness' of the three of us.
I will, of course try to get a picture of all four of us much to the disappointment of the cat. I can tell the dog will not be still and the cat will try to get away and you will be still talking and the picture will inevitably come out blurry.
But that will be such a happy picture and while I will complain the heck out of it, I will have it as my phone's screen saver and at night when we all go to bed together, I will smile down at my phone because it would all make sense. In the end.


7 MAR 2019 AT 23:51

Don't confuse celebrating women power with bashing of feminity. Feminine is good. Be pretty, be sophisticated, put on that bold colour on your lips, go out with that drop dead gorgeous make up on, show off your skill in the kitchen, bake the best goddamn cookie ever, paint your entire house pink if you love the colour, go and shop, go crazy over shoes, sing, dance, look out for your sisters, watch the heck out of romantic movies and it's okay if you want to cry to express. Feminine doesn't have to be about gender, they are choices and let it speak courage and acceptance and indulge in it, in the beauty of being a woman. Being a woman has nothing to do with what lies between your legs, it's your belief. Celebrate yourself beyond the expectations and always, always be empowering and appreciative of your fellow women.


6 MAR 2019 AT 15:52

Love is almost never how they show it in movies.
You may have been in love that ended and never came around. You may have loved someone who did not ditch his to-be bride and acknowledge you. You don't get showered with surprises and have grand beginnings or fight like savages following a perfect, out of the world love making.
Love in reality is so much more subtle. Sometimes when the act is over you realize how much the person cares about you and you smile. They like to imagine you do the same. The fights are quieter. You find yourself living the cliches and you like it. You often start laughing in the middle of sex because your butt made a weird sound. You take care when they are ill but also tell how annoying they are being. You adjust with the flaws but you call them out when they are wrong. Love is subtle and builds over time. It balances and sustains. I don't believe love is sweet. I am not a sweet tooth anyway. Love is definitely salt.


21 FEB 2019 AT 13:47

Do you know why cats have nine lives?

Because they hardly ever get out of bed.


17 FEB 2019 AT 22:40

It's a beautiful night. I am sitting under the light of the moon on the terrace. Hundreds of vehicles pass by on the road below. There is a sort of harmony between the quiet and the sounds. The breeze feels nice on my face. I think I am hungry but I don't feel like going back to my room. I like the sounds up here. I am tired of voices. They all judge and hurt. Love shouldn't cost at all, yet it makes you pay the heaviest price. I wonder what I am worth.


23 JAN 2019 AT 22:35

Why do we hate being controlled by people around us yet so readily give in to the powers of someone imaginary?

We hate asking for favours yet beg at the feet of God.

Who is God except a manifestation of our desperation to fulfill our most selfish demands?

We don't love God we fear them, because humans so easily betray the ones they love.


23 DEC 2018 AT 14:55

You will always find more people to celebrate your success than cheer you on your way towards it. The latter are the antidote to your self doubt. Keep them close.


20 DEC 2018 AT 13:07

For me, Christmas has never been about the tree. It's size, it's length, the branches or the thickness of the leaves. I'll be more than happy if there is a tree. What's important to me are the ornaments and lights. The amount of excitement I feel while picking them out at the shop and the happiness it brings me once they've been put in their perfect place is what Christmas is all about.

The tree is your life. If you choose your actions well and keep the people who bring out the best in you around, it doesn't matter how long or large your life is, it will certainly be beautiful and fulfilling.


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