ThankGod Odanwu   (Oscar-Spear ✍️)
79 Followers · 91 Following

Simple, easy-going and self principled accountant who loves God.
Joined 2 December 2019

Simple, easy-going and self principled accountant who loves God.
Joined 2 December 2019
28 FEB AT 10:37

"There is no one to impress. In 200 years you might forgotten. The toughest opponent you will ever face is your own self doubt. Beat him, and you'll be unstoppable. At the end of the day, it's only you vs. your endless potential. The only time that growth stops is when we are dead or we personally kill the will to grow while we still live. You could waste your time drawing lines or live your life crossing them. So create your own wave, improve for you, make it happen for you."


22 JAN AT 11:08

"It's the little things that matters. It may take one small step in the right direction to profoundly change your life forever. One small moment of courage can show you that your fears were never as scary as you once believed. One tiny spark of hope can set in motion the beginning of something extraordinary. Your life isnt defined solely by the bold jumps and daring leaps. Sometimes, it's the small moments of courage in the things that nobody sees that can make the biggest impact on your future. Follow your authentic path. Honor the pull in your heart guiding you forward. And trust that your hard work is paying off in ways you can't yet see. Don't lose guard."


2 JAN AT 10:51

"Every remarkable accomplishment started with a decision to try. If you really do have resolutions, you've got to start revolutionalizing things. Everyone that got to the top worked their asses out. Don't wish it will always be easy, wish you will be better. A year from now you will either wish you started something or be thankful you did it. Be intentional and active. The choice is yours!"


22 DEC 2023 AT 10:50

❤️ "It is not just enough to appear to be a nice human being. Giving money to charity, being at holy places, supporting important causes and posting positive quotes are commendable, but genuine kindness towards others matters most. Do not substitute being good to others with looking good for others. Spread genuine love wherever you go and in whatever you do. Let no one come to you without leaving happier." ❤️


10 NOV 2023 AT 10:44

"We live in a world that is filled with filth and sleaze, a world that reeks of evil. It is easy to do what is not right but hard to get away from the consequences. It is equally easy to do good and easy to maintain it. Fill your minds with thoughts about good things. Think about things that are true, clean, right, lovely, anything virtue and excellent practice them. Flee from all appearance of evil and you will never regret doing so."


17 OCT 2023 AT 10:51

"There is a saying that depression is living in the past, anxiety is worrying about the future, and true contentment is living in the present. Without doubt, detachment is also power. Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don’t. Today is the day you release all things that no longer serve you, put all your problems in the past where they belong and make room for new things!"


13 OCT 2023 AT 10:51

"Stop troubling yourself with dramas. Put your energy into things that actually grow you. You have to keep excusing yourself from anything that is trying to keep you from your purpose. Distractions can limit your growth and make you question your future. Don't fall victim to negativity, it's not worth your time. Take charge of your inner world by destroying the limitations caused by the outer distractions. What the Devil can't destroy, he distracts. Be mindful!"


29 SEP 2023 AT 10:36

"If you are serious about growth, be serious about accountability. If you are serious about abundance, be serious about gratitude. If you are serious about discipline, be serious about delayed gratification. Sometimes we have to put in some sacrifice to truly get the most out of life. Everyone that got to the top worked their asses out. Don't wish it will always be easy, it wouldn't. Instead, wish you will be better. Do all you can to make your dreams come true."


28 SEP 2023 AT 10:30

"You have the power to reinvent yourself at any moment. You're allowed to get up today and just decide to change things the way they are to how they should be. Change your style, raise your voice, embrace Joy, connect with new faces, and ignite your confidence. Don't be bound by others' expectations; be the person you want to be. Dress differently, speak up more, laugh louder, speak freely, and get that confidence going. We don't have to stay the way people see us out of fear. Break the circle and make a positive change."


27 SEP 2023 AT 11:38

"Look into the mirror rather than your neighbour. Check yourself because comparison paralyzes progress. If you wouldn't take on other people's regrets, don't you dare envy their success. Your unique self is empowered, powerful, and unstoppable. The trial is refining you. The test is maturing you. The valley is preparing you. The delay is disciplining you and God is working for you. You are permitted to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress. You make the world a better place by making daily improvements to become the best version of yourself."


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