Tejaswini Priyadarshi   (Tejaswini Priyadarshi)
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Adding some inffable stories to complete my anecdotal
Joined 27 July 2020

Adding some inffable stories to complete my anecdotal
Joined 27 July 2020
18 AUG 2021 AT 19:13

isolated by the words
discarded by the smile

the life which swirled
around my name
embraces the
difficulties of having it
in life,

jumping off
your lines never
felt wrong,

for the soothing emotion,
turned into an
accusation of lifetime.


3 JUN 2021 AT 16:29

Never in life
again I would let
my words fall for you,
you shall remain
the trace
of what my heart
couldn't deny,
and my letters would
firmly disagree with
what you seemed to
my eyes.


26 MAY 2021 AT 20:41

nothing about the love,
nothing about the betrayal,
your heart was too weak
to bear, my trust,
you just threw away,
and my heart,
too biased,to believe
your fake play.


23 MAY 2021 AT 12:16

a mere lost thought,
is what you now smell like,
eventually, you made love
seem blur to my eyes,
nothing to have
that astonished face for,
it was your assumptions
because of which ,
my beliefs collide,
you heart ,because of which
my soul died.


8 MAY 2021 AT 21:14

And mayhap
I remained a catchphrase
clogged between
your lines
even since I visited
your words filled
with the stolen essence
of mine,
as to, nothing
could sooth more
amidst your metaphors,
to sail through
the time.


24 APR 2021 AT 16:32

Also the things ,
goes the other ways
the men in power
are soon to be in vain

enough of forced farewell
enough of the shity game,

how could they steal lives
because of whom they stay!

yet there is something called
mercy to exist,
Pray for the lives and
the power they own,

slipping hands of our loved ones
would kill the monarchy
they possess.


10 APR 2021 AT 12:01

Nothing could stay as long I did;
call it love or let it just be greed,
you walked in once again
pretending warmth;
and yet gifted me enough scars
and multiple blames,
but let's don't break this chain,
won't you leave, leave me once again!


10 MAR 2021 AT 12:14

Buy me the night, for
it hinders pain,
as if the silence craves
my name,
only till the darkness
feels my heart,
I remain a soul
as a work of art,
shortly when
the rays knock,
my elated self
drains out.


8 MAR 2021 AT 13:11

Here I am
drenched in the belief
of revisits,

as if you might
just want to seek
a glance,

of the love,
that never really
existed as someone
you'd cherish,

but neither
did you tasted
my name,
and never did seeked
my rain.


24 FEB 2021 AT 10:46

Your borrowed
set of smiles,brings me
no difference,

for I've seen,loneliness,
merged with your

It's not once, that I found
you, in the search of
misplaced bits of happiness,
meant for us,

getting through it all
might just bring,
the me in you,

but I shall remain
the same door,
you knowingly escaped.


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