#zeroregrets quotes

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9 DEC 2019 AT 12:13

7) Forget about the productive points in 1 to 6 and spend my time lying on the bed staring at the ceiling.


22 JUN 2018 AT 2:45

Because it is
Clearly time for another
Decision, of course.
Each carrying our own torch
For reasons we no longer
Give as testimony, but this
Heroin still lingers in my veins
In trace amounts.
Jets dont carry fuel like the
Kind that was your
My fear is that we
Never run
Out and our love devours us whole.
Placating the pain,
Quietly succumbing to the
Rush to feel
Something, anything but
This pain of being without
Us, without the ecstasy burning in our
We just never feel the same.
You were it for me.
Zero regrets, baby.


25 JUL 2020 AT 12:20

I don't regret my past
It taught me lessons for life
Cleared my Vision



1 FEB 2021 AT 6:55

Number 9 out did
the number 10,
during exchange of treasures,
trousers or in the sales
of glamour crisps.
99,999, 9999...attract people,
when 100, 1000, 10,000...
were proved greater.
Business trends and people's pulse
have overturned Aryabatta 's
glimpse of zero
as jinx, since a decade,
with no barricades.


30 AUG 2019 AT 21:12

Regretting why I did this?
why I did that??
Never bother..
being in present past always looks
like full of mistakes..
but its not you..it was 'time' which
led you to commit those mistakes..
stand for yourself..
because nobody else would..😘


11 JAN 2020 AT 20:46

Remember that
All your posts are replaceable
"You" as post is never replaceable in your entire life.

Live your life to the fullest, do the things which allows you to be in peace and happy, have zero regrets which lets you be free from all struggles.
