#wheneverlsee quotes

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17 JUL 2017 AT 1:50

Save me from those people,
whom have only ego exist in their life,
no matter whatever you had done for them


15 JUL 2017 AT 9:40

In human life span, we do many things on risk. Even we learn our first step by taking risk.
Afterall life is all about risk, only such person achieve success those can take risk without any hesitation.


9 JUL 2017 AT 10:38



26 JUN 2017 AT 22:02

A decent hug with sorry may be one of the best way to solve any critical problems or fights in any relationships


12 JUN 2017 AT 21:55


फटे ,पूराने,गन्दे कपड़ो में आता है वह
वहीं चलती रेलगाड़ी के डिब्बो में
हाथो मे एक कटोरे को पकडे
चहरे पर दर्द को लिए
भिखारीयों सा भेष बनाता है वह

फटे ,पूराने,गन्दे कपड़ो में आता है वह
वहीं चलती रेलगाड़ी के डिब्बो में
भूखा है कई दिनो से,ये कहता हुआ
हर एक के पास जाता है वह
कोई वयस्क नही कोई बुजुर्ग नहीं
एक छोटा मासूम बच्चा(5-6वर्ष का) है
गले मे एक टेप रिकॉर्डर झूलाकर
मार्मिक गीत लोगो को सूनाता है वह

फटे ,पूराने,गन्दे कपड़ो में आता है वह
वहीं चलती रेलगाड़ी के डिब्बो में
भिखारी नही है,बाल-श्रमिक है वह
भिख नही मांगता,कोई उससे मंगवाता है
कोई है जो अपने स्वार्थ के लिए
छिपकर हमारे ही बिच उसे मांगने को डराता है
भूखा नही है वह,पर कोई उसे भूखो की तरह दिखना सिखाता है

भीखारी नही है,बाल-श्रमिक है वह
फटे ,पूराने,गन्दे कपड़ो में आता है जो


5 JUL 2017 AT 22:57

Many people comes in our life and gives us suggestions but they don't have guts to follow that suggestions with us.


28 JUN 2017 AT 23:09

Once I start to shine, no lights and darkness can hide me...


4 JUL 2017 AT 0:46

If you are in love with Someone But it could not be yours, then Do not think that it's your bad luck, Rather it's a bad luck of those who leave u alone....


1 JUL 2017 AT 20:37

Life is like a Book, Every Strange People are like a New Chapter, Every Situation are like a New Question and Result of that Situations are the Answer


2 JUL 2017 AT 2:05

IF I were a doctor then i want to be work on to cure the ego of the people,
to cure the selfishness of the people,
to cure the hate inside the heart of the people,
to cure the negative thoughts about others of the people.
