#vkletters quotes

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14 MAR 2018 AT 1:39

"Why now?"



13 JUN 2017 AT 7:34

Dear long lost parasitic friend,

Your uninvited likes on my public posts made me remember it's the seven month anniversary of the thought that made me abandon you. See even though you don't mean anything to me now I can't start any letter without calling you dear. It's strange isn't it whatever that had happened. It feels like yesterday when we were totally into Bollywood masala movie zone of friendship.



14 SEP 2018 AT 1:55

"If I write good things about you you're a beautiful muse. Someone I think about first in the morning and right before sleeping every night. My love is a complex matter. It's a puddle of tears and child like giggles. It's full of kiddish jealousy and understanding talks. It's about beginning something together and keeping it in place as long as we both shall live."



25 JUN 2017 AT 20:09

To the one I wanted to be my forever,

I've been thinking lately, about all the times we've spent together. I've been bounding myself with your thoughts for so long. You know you came like a wave of carefree wind in my monotonous life and my senses got tranquilized totally.



11 MAR 2018 AT 12:25

"प्रिय माँ,

सालों पहले मेरी बोर्ड परीक्षा से पहले घबराने पर तुमने एक बात कही थी। 'तू मेरा हनुमान है बेटा, अपनी शक्तियाँ भूल जाती है पर याद दिलाने पर पूरा समुद्र पार कर सकती है यहां तक कि पर्वत तक उठा सकती है' जानती हूँ संजीविनी पर्वत का ना सही, जिंदगी की तकलीफों का ज़रूर हो सकता है। जान लक्ष्मण की ना सही कलयुग में अपनी ही बचा लूँ तो काफी है। तब रोते हुए मुस्कुरा उठी थी मैं जैसे आज सुबह सुबह तुम्हें याद कर मुस्कुरा रही हूँ।"

(Read whole in caption)


15 JUN 2017 AT 12:44


(Read in caption)


15 OCT 2017 AT 2:08

You may someday need a reason for why you should love me and I don't ever want you to run out of that list.


-Vaidehi Khandelwal


13 OCT 2017 AT 23:01

To the lost love,

October has something great to do with my life. Not only because it's your birthday month but because we had our first call till sunrise just in the night when september hits october. We discussed my unreasonable tears, stars, and life. That's by the far one of the most beautiful conversations we've ever had.

-(Read in caption)

-Vaidehi Khandelwal


17 FEB 2018 AT 23:48

"To the most unlucky human alive,

Yes, you are already born somewhere around the year I was born. You know we've lines of fate in our hands. I'm so sure of you having no good fortune lines cause hey, you are arranged to get me in end."



25 JAN 2018 AT 3:21

The guy who's more than a friend,

Let me tell you clearly that you've no right to make me feel the way you do. You aren't allowed to shower me with immense care and concern. You are no one to decide whether I should stop eating junk or should start taking my life seriously. You aren't my boyfriend to show enough authority to shut me down at various life events. You are not my parent to tell me when to eat, what to eat or to sleep on time."

