#oddball quotes

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16 NOV 2020 AT 0:18

Its been days since I slept early,
The tick from my dusty clock,
Hymns recited by the old fan,
Rain dripping down my windown pane,
And ofcourse, a cup of extra hot coffee.

I train myself to watch you sleep,
Because I know I'm never going to get them back again,
No, its not the trust issues,
Its just that I believe,
You can't fall asleep in peace,
With me next to you...

Punching your little fat belly,
Random kisses and hours of cuddling,
Sometimes I'm so in love,
That I could feel your presence,
Even when you are not around !

They say, "Head over heels",
I'm sorry but I'm not one of those,
Maybe I should say,
"Head over Sneakers"
Because when an oddball is in love,
Things might sound absurd
- Just like this


17 FEB 2020 AT 19:44

I don't know why I feel like I am an oddball in my own Life.... I don't even fit in with this world and with the People in it...it seems so strange and mysterious.....so maddening.....people judge, curse, laugh, ridicule, belittle, threaten, mock.....
when you are an introvert,
you are judged selfish and self-centered;
when you are an extrovert and dare up and talk, you are judged being too overconfident, boastful and clingy;
when you are childish, you are judged gor being so Immature and Non-sensical;
When you are mature, you are judged boring and nerdy;
When you seem to be innocent, people judge you for your foolishness;
When you seem to be a know it all, people judge you for being overpreachy.....
I don't know why people have their own perception about everything and everybody....I don't really understand this appalling world or really am I the one who is crazy???


30 JAN 2021 AT 21:59

I feel like I'm too odd to fit in. It's a cool thing but it is also stressful. I feel differently from others in many ways. All my life I was a shadow that could still stick out in a crowd.
