#crux quotes

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27 JUN 2020 AT 23:50

Those silent chaos inside
are the real crux of all
incomplete triumphs.


22 MAY 2018 AT 5:20

The crux is in the deed
In the hour of the need.


12 MAY 2021 AT 2:12

I often find myself
at the crux of happiness and despair,
like a feather about to connive with the wind
and a needle stuck in the skin;
one path leads to new adventures
while the other reminds me
of my being.


17 FEB 2019 AT 8:53

anthologies cant contain you
as your complex simplicity
is cosmic and transcendental.
to live you is the only way to
learn you, like I live my faith.
be the story of my life, for I
wish to be us, every second
& make you the most
beautiful crux of me.


23 MAR 2019 AT 19:38

A good life does not need all comforts to live
It just requires the spirit to handle everything and few true souls to support you at every point of time


27 SEP 2018 AT 0:00

Crux of success : It's not the destination to be loved; it's a journey to be enjoyed.. 💕


13 MAR 2018 AT 11:38

In the world full of cuteness and sweetness, fake love and hyper care,
I chose 'respect' as the basic crux of my love life.


2 SEP 2019 AT 18:21

It's when you are going to evaluate the crux of the goodness
You tend to lose its essence of intellection.


5 JUN 2019 AT 19:04

Mostly I do the right thing, sometimes I do the right thing for His sake. Does that make me a partially good person? Or is that the very crux of it? It oscillates and confuses.


24 MAR 2019 AT 7:38

*Elixir of Hope*
