#cliche quotes

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13 JUN 2019 AT 23:45

// Most Annoying Thing //

I swear the most annoying thing about cliches are its truth;
love, I think, is partially blind.
When he shoots venom darts
the blur makes them look like winged
green jelly.

That's so cliche;
Drawing curtains over my ribcage
so that my poor heart doesn't see

him for who he is —



6 MAR 2019 AT 7:02


1 FEB 2019 AT 10:48


14 DEC 2018 AT 13:21

Non-clichéd, all the time,
is also cliché, you see.


7 DEC 2016 AT 0:12

Roses are red, violets are blue,
Orchids are purple,
Like your face, when I'm choking you.


25 SEP 2018 AT 13:46

My pain sounds cliche to you?
Take a bite of it.
You will choke in a minute!


13 SEP 2019 AT 0:31

You are not cliché.
I read you as
different poems.


16 APR 2020 AT 20:55

आग को फैलना,
बहुत पसंद होता है।

हमारे अन्दर भी एक आग होती है,
जिसे अगर हम फैलने से रोकें,
हम अंदर से जलने लगते हैं। मगर,
वही आग, सही दिशा में हवा मिलने पर
सारी दुनिया का अंधेरा मिटाने की
क्षमता रखती है।


28 MAR 2019 AT 9:32

I never thought, a ' How are you '
can cure the sickness
of a heart.


1 APR 2022 AT 10:17

# Uncliched Cliché

You're the war
Between my qualms and ardour,
It torments me madly how you're so cold;
Thoughts of you won't leave my mind,
Even if I loose all my honor;
How you stir my mind with sombre melodies,
I think I'd let you consume my very being;
You're from a world beyond my fancies,
Yet we've got something similar,
As you're unreachable,
And ı'm like an art of a lavish gallery,
That could be admired only from far;
What we've got is bitter sweet thing,
One is vehement and the other is serene;
We both are clichés of an uncliched scene,
We're just parts of a melancholic film.

