#hersoulsoothes quotes

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24 APR 2019 AT 21:41

She is a type of girl
You loose
While entertaining others
And then regret
When you can't find
her in someone else.


6 MAR 2019 AT 15:40

I will find my own way
stones, soal and concrete !


10 AUG 2017 AT 20:24

I always found writing the content of your page easy
Than giving you an apt Title !


12 AUG 2019 AT 22:21


Unable to look at people 
Dying ...
In course of your action 


6 MAR 2019 AT 22:47

Life is a bookmark
You push it till there...

The point where you want it to start afresh from !


6 JAN 2020 AT 13:12

She didn't sink deep in despair,
When things turned wild,
She stood rigid with strength,
Her head held high with morale,
She spoke with purpose,
And worked even harder,
No one could see the cracks widening,
As she felt her soul harden,
She looked around and found no one
Who could lend her some hope,
So she carried on with pain and suffering,
And masked it all with a beautiful smile,
People chalked it up to her arrogance
and stuck up attitude,
Didn't bother to fish deeper,
She was an enigma of scars and stitches,
Bottling it up in fear of rejection,
But once she finally gathered courage
To open up to someone she liked,
And that blew up on her face,
He scrambled away from her
Screaming she was a cursed soul,
It made her hands go cold,
Now she relies only on herself.


7 FEB 2019 AT 13:45

She wanted to wake up to bright roses and warm hugs to work

But all she got was different thornes and cold vibes


15 SEP 2017 AT 23:57

Fix your brows when you see me in that Lil black dress

Fix your thoughts when you think my clothes encourage anyone

Fix your character when you consider abusing a child

Fix your brain when you do not hesitate to support physical abuse in any which way

Fix your life when you have done any of it

Coz your Karma shall hit you back much harder than you even know !

Pledge to fight physical Abuse ! Pledge to protest against physical Abuse in any which way ! I pledge ! Do you ?


19 FEB 2019 AT 23:37

I broke my right leg
And all hope bottled up into my left leg

I still dreamt of an open road
Leading me to cross borders
Walk few extra miles
And put more dots on the map of world !


25 JUL 2017 AT 23:33

Hook up with you was the best thing that ever happened to me !
