T-ella   (_thenerdypoet)
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Joined 26 February 2019

Joined 26 February 2019
14 DEC 2021 AT 21:24

What's this place?
For I've never been anywhere this perfect
What's that sound?
For I've never heard such beautiful rhythm
What's this feeling?
For I've never felt a touch so caressing
What's this aura?
For I've never experienced bliss so pure

Then I realized
I've been lying in your arms
Listening to your heartbeats
My utopia finally a reality


28 AUG 2021 AT 2:39

I follow each step she takes
Stunned at such a sight
Could she be human?, I wonder
For I never saw a human dance so gracefully

Her melanin skin glistens in the sun
Her ebony hair ruffles in the wind
Her hips sways rhythmically
And so does my mind to her body tunes

Ignoring other dancers
My gaze is fixed on her
Her magical movements enchants me
Awakening my mortal desire

The music stops
She slowly stops dancing
But my thoughts continue
"She is my goddess", I finally say


19 AUG 2021 AT 22:10

The end and beginning
Of pain
Either ways


5 JUN 2021 AT 16:14

We get addicted to.
We die everyday by it
Yet we still cling onto it for survival.


5 JUN 2021 AT 16:06

Rain drops reveal what the sky holds within
Tear drops reveal the depth of pain we feel within


18 APR 2021 AT 17:42

Sometime In April (part 1)

Sometime in April
The day began like every normal day
But it wasn't getting past it's 12th hour
My mind was deeply troubled
But I couldn't figure it out
Slowly I sank into depths of emptiness
I was engulfed in darkness
In a distant place, there she lay
Groaning in agony
She held on to life with feeble hands
But wasn't able to rescue herself
Alas! She lay void of life
This anguish too heavy for my heart to bear
It happened on a day
Sometime in April


13 APR 2021 AT 16:33

I'm sinking in depths of despair
The waves of anguish keep crashing in
Will I ever get out of this?
I'm lost in this darkness
So filled with emptiness
I hold on to memories for survival
Cause that's all I've got left of you
But that's barely enough to pull me out


7 APR 2021 AT 17:51

In a pool of dreams
The thoughts flow like streams

All there was were memories of you
Now it's only but a few

So deafening is the silence
Could this be a test of patience?

Come to a rescue
Life has lost its hue


7 APR 2021 AT 16:42

Admits the chaos lies serenity
Two antagonists existing alongside each other
The chaos of humanity leads in vain
Only if we could cling to nature's serenity for eternity
But life's a constant swizz


30 DEC 2020 AT 22:48

The road doesn't lead back home
Some memories erased
A place could be forgotten

It happened gradually...
A favourite place
Now a place loathed

But it happens
Everything, eventually


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