Suparna Kudva  
942 Followers · 652 Following

Joined 20 September 2020

Joined 20 September 2020
30 APR AT 0:06

7 more days of work to do,
7 more days of errands to run,
with or without fun.


29 APR AT 23:59

I hadn't loved myself or you,
fun, frolic and fights,
sunny days, and starry nights,
kisses, hugs, and sweet caresses,
promises made with the earth and sky as witnesses,
our treasured moments,
colourful & ardent,
evergreen & forever.


29 APR AT 23:36

"Another day in Paradise", by Phil Collins....


29 APR AT 23:23

Sony clicked pictures of azure blue waters, sunlit skies, evergreen forests,
to add to my treasures of dear memories.


28 APR AT 1:00

Sippping freshly brewed aromatic kapi(coffee),
in a small tapri shop in Ootacamund,
amidst grass capped mountains,
flavour & scenic beauty sinking in to the soul.


27 APR AT 0:24

just finger marked with black ink

vesting power in the one your trust.


27 APR AT 0:16

Two doves fluttering in the Garden of love,
Their hearts entwined in oneness,
Ready to live together forever.❤️


27 APR AT 0:07

universal blessings, peace
and tranquillity.
Thanked the Lord for the kindness he shows through his beings in the form of humanity.


26 APR AT 0:49

तुम आसमान हो तो मैं उड़ती हुई इक छोटी सी चिड़िया,
तुम समंदर हो तो मैं तैरती हुई इक जलपरी,
तुम चाँद हो तो मैं एक टिमटिमाता इतुसा सितारा
तुम सब कुछ हो पर मैं कुछ भी नहीं....


26 APR AT 0:40

it would always speak for you,
in your support,
for your wellbeing,
for the kindness you have shown,
for the guidance you have given,
for the magnanimous personality that you are,
for your simplicity, which speaks volumes....


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