Sudeshna Mukherjee   (Dr. Sue)
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Joined 10 July 2018

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Joined 10 July 2018
4 MAR 2022 AT 23:31

Bubbles of hope emerge feebly from a dark alley,
The weapons all blood stained with hate...
Remain scattered amongst corpses yet to be categorised by faith;
Every end is a beginning they say...but of what?
Of another victory of power,of responding to a fear of losing a hold,

How strange it is that we still try to win over another with a hope...
To conquer something which was never earned in the first place!
Nothing belonged to us and nothing ever will be...
Except the pain we inflict upon our fellowmen,
What we create is what we carry...and leave behind;

As an imprint for generations to come...
In a world where love is cautious and hate is brave!


30 JAN 2022 AT 22:31

I turn off the lights;
The bustling world continues beyond the walls,
My quivering thoughts permeate through the dark,
Finding bits of you in some hidden pockets of the mind...
Secure and safe,loved and nurtured,
Existing through the past into the present as a continuum;

The timelines blur, I no longer belong where I am...
Some flashes come and go...
Of laughters,of stories and some eloquent silences,
It's all so chaotic that I impulsively want
to turn the light back on!

But then I fear losing you to the real world again;
And so I don't...I keep hovering in the darkness..
In the eternal longing of a forbidden chance to find you again
and to make you stay...


13 JAN 2022 AT 19:46

My half-read novel lies on the table...
As the dusk sets in,I look through the window,
To get a glimpse of the lighted streets;
It's been the same,I know how that distant light keeps flickering in a beat..
The flights pass above with a sound well-adjusted to my ears,
The stars twinkle and the sound of 'azaan' comes from far beyond..
I wonder what is the feel of the tune?
At some point I guess pain and happiness all become one!

I sip my coffee and shudder a bit in the cold
Surprisingly,I don't get nostalgic now-a-days in winter..
I just dwell, existing and breathing a bit of fire into my soul that's cold at times;
But never dead...


31 DEC 2021 AT 1:46

That leftover smell that lingers on me,
When you leave...
I often try holding on to it;
On some lonely nights when my thoughts wander,
I remember our walks by the field...
Years go by,with people,places and promises;
I wish I could run back to you sometimes,
Just to rest my head on your chest and breathe;
Listen to that heartbeat,and count the moments missed,
The togetherness sacrificed,
The pangs felt and all those teardrops
that have dried up on the sands of time...
Waiting for a new dawn to arrive,
With some stolen moments of undying love...
And some embraces that heal the wounds since ages...


8 DEC 2021 AT 7:15

I love the way you make
this heavy world feel so light,
I love the way you make
the darker days bright,
You stay so near to me
even when out of sight...
You raise me up in the
moments I am tired to fight!

Here's a note to say I love you
and want to hug you tight!


5 DEC 2021 AT 15:24

December realisations

1.Setting boundaries is a must.

2.Self-talk helps you acknowledge your own issues as well as re-analyse different perspectives.

3. Customize what you offer to people..customize your energy,your information,your love.. according to priorities and reciprocations.

4. Forgive for your own mental peace, but remember what that taught you..keep that learning with you.


14 NOV 2021 AT 0:06

Some days I crave to drink love
from the depths of your soul...
Intoxicating myself with
some adulteration;
As the sweet poison runs
through my veins,
Draining me, exhausting me into
some hypoxic stillness;
I slip into a trance state that
blurs my reality..

I hear you whispering in my ears but
The wetness of your lips and that
old familiar odour--
Confuses my already bewildered mind..
I wonder if I can make it back home?
But then your arms pull me close..
Close to your pounding heart
in a warm embrace..
And I realise home has been
this very place...
All the while...


19 OCT 2021 AT 17:32

Winter air comes with
Smell of
Lingering lost love...


19 OCT 2021 AT 17:29

Everyone has some self interest in relationship with you...
Including the ones that actually love you...


17 OCT 2021 AT 16:00

The rail-tracks meander their ways,
And the train shudders along..
Past fields,cities, rivers;
Past people,stories and moments,
Unnamed...unheard...and uncountable;

As I sit by the window,looking at those trees,
The towers..the wires all spiralling around;
Dancing their ways as the train passes by,
I see far away at some bank by the river...
Me and you sitting and watching the ferries ply by...
Looking at the sombre sunset together...

Someday when all this running around ends,
And we are tired of answering most of the questions..
I would like to meet you there on a quiet evening...
Beside that lone river bank and tell..
How badly I have missed
being myself with you...all this while...


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