sudarshan   (sudarshan)
17 Followers · 20 Following

I am an ocean of emotions
Joined 5 April 2019

I am an ocean of emotions
Joined 5 April 2019
6 JAN 2022 AT 16:02


Lit the fire of warm relationships,
Let the cold relationship die in cold.


26 DEC 2021 AT 15:15


a little bit of bread to a poor,
a small blanket to a homeless
to defend the monster cold.
a little bit of love
to an orphan,
a little bit of care
to a depressed man,
is all a magic
to bring a little bit of smile
in their life.


25 DEC 2021 AT 14:47

that provides to the souls
wings to fly,
A free conscience
to take the flight to infinity.


24 DEC 2021 AT 3:12

मृत माया

लाचार छ माया
एताबाट एउटाले
उताबाट अर्कोले
अभिमानको पैंतालाहरूले
कुल्चीमिल्ची पारिएको माया
चित्कार ती अभिमानी
मायाको मुखौटा पहिरिएका
दुई पक्षले कहाँ सुन्दो हुन्
दुवैले वकालत गर्छन् मायाको
परन्तु मायाको घाँटीको सास
दुवैले निचोरेर छटपटिएको माया
प्राण कैले त्याग्ने हो
अभिमानी मायाको
तर मुखौटा अोढेका
मायाको वकालत गर्ने
उकिलहरूले कुरेका पक्कै
हुन पर्छ त्यो मायाको
मलामी जानू अबेर नगरी
कठै माया! -सुदर्शन


20 SEP 2021 AT 21:17

जीवनको तितो सत्य

संघर्षरत जीवनमा
उमेर हुँदा पैसा हुँदैन
पैसा हुँदा उमेर हुँदैन
चाँदीको चम्ची बोकेर जन्मिने
सबैको भाग्य हुँदैन।


3 SEP 2021 AT 20:16

"A fair weather friend is not a friend."


3 SEP 2021 AT 17:00

[Quote from the heart-10]

Every human has a beautiful heart.
Belief, ideology and mindset draws a line of difference amongst each other.


17 AUG 2021 AT 19:55



14 AUG 2021 AT 22:13

[Quote from the heart-9]

A writer is obligated, if he is a writer, to make one dance in the rain, feel the breeze,
and worn out souls burst into a hearty laughter.


14 AUG 2021 AT 21:20

Artificial love is like
a beautiful artificial rose.
No fragrance!


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