Suchismita Sengupta   (Suchismita Sengupta)
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Joined 4 February 2019
9 DEC 2023 AT 20:01

ज़रा अपने कंधों से हटा दो उन उलझनों को…
के उस बोझ तले झुक रहे हो तुम।

जाने दो अब उन्हें…
के चलने से ज़्यादा रेंग रहे हो तुम।

माथे पे शिकंज, हाथों में छाले और
आँखों में सपनों की जगह सूनापन लिए…
क्या सही में ज़िंदा हो तुम?


14 NOV 2023 AT 14:33

An Autumn Noon

I sat in my sister’s balcony on an uneventful Autumn Noon
Contrary to it being Noon, the skyline was murky & cool
The breeze blowing by was poised & graceful
Almost reminiscing the sweet onset of winters back home
Amidst the low rumble of the Purple Line Metro & the scattered low honks of the bikes & cars driving by
I watched the trees dance while the bees pollinated its sweet white blossoms
A squirrel playing peek-a-boo on its branches
The dragonflies joining in on with the birds chirping & fluttering by
As if raising their hats to me, saying “Hello!”
I watched & watched as Life happened by


23 JUN 2023 AT 22:29

~Bluebellvine III~

Amidst the cacophony of her daughter & her husband discussing the ongoing FIFA World Cup & her second son engrossed in watching a YouTube compilation video of his favourite sitcom, she couldn't help but notice the silence in her eldest son's eyes in the dining space. He wasn't his normal self, she could sense. So she tried offering a second helping of his favourite Egg recipe. He obliged. Masking his silent eyes. She smiled at him, trying to assure her eldest born. She didn't know what to do. Although, she has been a mother of triplets for 17 years now. But being a parent isn't a 3 month crash course. It's a lifelong journey. You grow with your kids. So, after dinner she turned to her husband while lying down & asked him, "Did you notice... Shivansh wasn't his normal self tonight." And, with a frown on his face he replied, "Really? I didn't notice that .. it must be some teenage drama in school, he will get over it soon, I am sure " He assured her. But her mind ticked. Ticked the whole night. It could be some teenage drama afterall. She has been baring the brunt of 3 teenage kids for a while now & forcibly closed her mind somewhere around 4:37 am...


2 MAY 2023 AT 18:25

जिस राह पे हम चल पड़े हैं
कुछ हमराही छुट गए कुछ छुट जाएंगे
कुछ जाने पहचाने चेहरे फिर साथ निभाएंगे
तो कुछ अनजान हसीन चेहरे मिलजाएंगे

साथ अगर छूटे किसी खास का
अपनी रह न छोड़ना
बस यह समझलेना
के उसे कहीं और है जाना।


27 MAR 2023 AT 16:12

From trying to fit in
To being who I am

From following a herd
To being a Lone Wolf

It's one hell of a journey!


30 DEC 2022 AT 1:13

And just like that....
I fell in love with myself...
My own skin...
My face...
My smile...
My body...
My soul...

Something that I never thought
would happen anytime soon!

It's magical!


21 DEC 2022 AT 0:50

I feel...
I feel a lot things...
Sometimes my closed ones...
Sometimes my emotions...
Sometimes the situations I deal with...
Sometimes the cards that I am dealt with...

To feel the feelings...
I was made to feel ashamed...

But, no more.
I am the way I am...

And, I feel pity for those who don't feel.


4 DEC 2022 AT 0:14

जिस प्यार को सारे जहां में ढूंढते फिर रहे हो
वही शिद्दत अपने आप से कर लो


1 DEC 2022 AT 4:06

दुखी को टटोलने पर क्रोध,
ऐश्वर्य को टटोलने पर अहंकार,
प्रेमी को टटोलने पर काव्य
ही प्राप्त होगा।

किसी परिश्रमी को टटोलोगे तब और केवल तब,
ज्ञान की प्राप्ति होगी।


14 NOV 2022 AT 0:18

Time heals all wounds.
Well it should, unless you keep scratching your wounds everytime.

Rather, you should forget your wounds & remember your lessons.
You're wounded once by others & rest is you who keeps digging them.


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