23 NOV 2017 AT 2:47

The glittering eyes of a fair face;
The voice shouting from a silent heart
Which crying baby to console, I got waiting for years.
Is hidden from me now out of fear.
Taught me to have wings & to fly free,
My life is a desert & he freezed me.
To get back the old popularly called names, I scream,
Frozen Desert is only in dreams.
Despite having all answers to his one,
A thousand of questions ask my heart.
What a mad maid of his words I was,
I agreed to all the stupid conditions & clause.
The time I heard the piercing noise of his breath
To the hollow shouting by-force good byes.
With a drop of hope, I prayed to see a glance of my almighty!
Pretend to be a stranger before him, what a stony heart I bear
At back stage my tears are no less than a self-speare.
A boy who asked plenty of things to god.
Now is answered by his lord -
'shoulder of love is cut; live in mob
Disguised Tingu Insan is disguised again
No more salutation; a valediction to mankind,
Not else addiction; restriction to mankind. '
Why not God be given a chance to reply me as well;
Writing to you, let no one disturb again & again,
Let you live in peace.
So, Emit Ink from this world or else refil the pen with endless Ink...

- Unedited...