Sruthi Suresh Kumar  
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Novice yet a dreamer
Joined 21 April 2017

Novice yet a dreamer
Joined 21 April 2017
8 DEC 2019 AT 23:01

With eyes as dark as the sky,
Minutes shy from the break of dawn,
She knew that she was at peace,
With a life that ceased with the color of her fear;

She met her Color at the age of 6,
When she donned a red dress her dear uncle made,
Only to tear it at a game her dearest uncle played;

She met her Color again as it trickled through her thighs,
For which her family celebrated and yet shackled her,
As now her vagina must hold values and virtues;

She grew with her Color,
As womanhood slowly embraced her,
And little red roses found her in their bewildered maze;

One fine little red rose found his way,
And marked her with his little red streak,
For now his white sheets await her glorified red stain;

From then she knew her Color would betray her,
As now she bled not just from her thighs,
But from anywhere her little red rose wished;

And then one night she was finally convicted for the crime she bled,
As darkness ripped her open she found refuge in her ever ill-fated Color,
For red was the reason for her existence, her agony and her death.


14 SEP 2019 AT 22:00

How life has besought these walls upon me,
That confine my very existence within,
Walls that reek the stench of blood,
Dripped from dying hopes and dreams,
Standing tall upon this graveyard I built,
From the bones of forgotten promises and words;

How life has besought these walls upon me,
That grew every day impaling the skies,
While I look above to watch it's heights,
Awaiting for someone to climb down,
I forget the brutish truth,
How could a mother flee from her wailing child?
How could I flee from these walls born from me?

How life besought these walls upon me,
I praise thee, gratefully,
For these walls protect me,
For these walls adorn me,
For these walls define me,
For these walls were beseech me.



25 AUG 2019 AT 0:51

Trees live long they say,
With roots that fissure deep down,
Impaling everything on it's way;
Trees grow high they say,
Giving birth to a new branch,
For every day of the Spring,
Yet as they slowly shed leaves,
I wonder;
I wonder if they could feel pain,
For every leaf that fell had once defined them,
I wonder;
As we grow, do we shed our leaves?
Leaves of our past,
Dipped in the colours of a beguiling time,
A time we try to forget,
A time we wish to forget;

Trees grow they say,
Don't we too?



28 JAN 2019 AT 10:38

And suddenly everything you thought that defines you became an illusion. Time, space and reality became variables of an equation of infinity. And you defy every possible theory that govern the substance of this equation, and try to fill the voids by finding figures and derivations that could bring life to this equation ; only to find an answer that equates to nullity, 0. Yet you fail to see that nullity was never a dead end; infact it is, paradoxically a possibility to produce everything. Like the Newton disc, that combines all possible colours that could be percieved by the eyes , only to eventually form white, which infact is a product of every colour and is also the creator of every colour. So substantially a simple colour wheel shows how everything can ultimately become nullity, and how nullity can give birth to infinity. 

In this paradoxical existence of nothing and everything, where do you stand? What do you believe? What do you percieve? Where, infact, do you exist? Nullity or infinity? Or is it all just an illusion; an illusion that defines your existence.



30 DEC 2018 AT 13:15

Immersed in this fog born from the perpetual sight of you,
I wonder,
How something so flawed and free,
Could ever move my soul so naturally,
Like the waters beneath the sea,
I move without moving,
With nothing left to prove,
Nothing left to lose.



11 NOV 2018 AT 5:37

For once, shall we escape this world?
From the lights,
The sound,
The people,
For once, sit next to me,
We shall share our broken dreams in silence,
For once......



9 NOV 2018 AT 12:03

In a world of smoke,
She was the only pristine one,
Uncanny resemblance,
Reviving images from a lost dream,
He fails to see this mirror,
He fails to see him in her.



3 NOV 2018 AT 21:05

Remind your parched soils,
How your heavy rains gave birth,
To these flowers within you,
Rising from your darker depths,
All while you bear the pain,
All while you create happiness.



30 OCT 2018 AT 13:46

He played with fire and metal,
While setting everything on flame,
Yet never grazed her,
She who touched his soul to gold.



30 OCT 2018 AT 12:18

Slowly my lungs heaved,
The world became hazy,
Heart beat fleets,
When I realised,
My soul swelled with love.



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