Souvik Chatterjee   (| SOUVIK • CHATTERJEE |)
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Joined 21 July 2017
17 JAN 2021 AT 0:03

"They said you're short-tempered, but here you are so calm.
You never got angry to what they said.", She asked him.

He replied, "Yes I'm short-tempered but I learnt how to use them and when."

She replied, "How to use them? What do you mean?"

He laughed and said, "Ever tried to use your anger on your work? Try it once.
Put all your anger to your work and see how perfectly you complete it.
They help me improve my work so why show anger."

She remained silent...


15 JAN 2021 AT 23:42

"Every felt lucky to be alone?", He asked them.

They said, "You might have lost your mind. Who would be lucky to be alone? Only a mad."

He laughed and replied, "You've so much to loose, all your loved ones. That might hurt a lot I guess. And here I'm all alone nothing to loose at all. Ain't I lucky enough?"

Those words pierced them like an arrow.


5 JUN 2020 AT 19:14

"You need help... Ok, I'll help you...
Let it be I'll manage with mine...
You have it... You really need it..."
He helped them while he had nothing...
They took his help and moved on...
Never contacted him again...
Unless they need him again...
They were not there when he needed them...
But, they were back again asking for help...
He still had nothing for him...
But he still helped them...
Things got repeated again just the same...
People asked him,
"Why do you help them when you have nothing to live on?"
"I never had someone when I needed help the most.
They still count on me. That's what matters.",
He smiled and replied...
"But they left you when you needed them.
Still, you didn't say anything rather you helped them,
Whenever they come to you..." They said...
"I might be a burden to them so they left me.
But they... They are still my small children...
How can I stay away, when they need me..." He replied.


31 MAY 2020 AT 20:05

You know what hurts the most...
Realising that they will not be there,
When you need them the most...
Realising that they will never be there,
In your happiest moments...
Realising they would never return,
For this eternal life...


28 MAY 2020 AT 2:17

Some people come uninvited to life...
They come with knots of regrets & dreams...
You helped them lose their knots...
& they leave, leaving behind all the strings...


23 MAY 2020 AT 1:02

And all his stories remained untold.
No one cared what he has gone through.
No one listened to what he said.
The night stays quite.
And he left with all his secrets.
With all those threats.


12 MAY 2020 AT 23:43

"When I'm The Chaos In Your Life, I'll Leave"
"When I'm the chaos in your life, I'll leave"
It's too easier to say than to leave...
He didn't know that when he used to say these...
That this day would come along...
He never knew that he had to leave by any means...
Rather it is making himself the worst person,
She never wished him to be...
But he had to leave by any means...


8 MAY 2020 AT 0:34

" মানুষ পণ করে, পণ ভেঙ্গে ফেলে হাঁফ ছাড়ার জন্য। "
" সময়ের সমুদ্রে আছি কিন্তু এক মুহুর্তে সময় নেই। "
আজ এই দুই পংক্তি আমাদের বর্তমান হয়ে দাঁড়িয়েছে।
আজ আমরা শত পণ করি কিন্তু সেই পণ পূরণ করিনা॥
আজ আমরা সময়ের সাথে চলি,
কিন্তু বিন্দু মাত্র সময় আজ আমাদের কাছে নেই।
আজ রবি ঠাকুর এর এই দুই পংক্তি আমাদের বর্তমান॥


3 MAY 2020 AT 1:14

♦ The little boy's idea of heaven♦
Heaven, for some a dream, for some a place of beauty,
For some a paradise with their love...
For the little boy, heaven was like a bed of roses,
That his father made for him...
For him, heaven was like her mother's lap,
Where he could lay down and get drowned in his dreams...
For him, heaven was like his father's sacrifices,
Which he gave to gift him something he couldn't imagine of...
For him, heaven was like his mother's happiness,
That comes out with every small moment...
For him, heaven was like his father's love,
Which is never visible with those human eyes...
For him, heaven was like his mother's love,
Which makes him smile, in every situation...
For him, heaven was like his father's anger,
Which makes him harder...
For him, heaven was like his mother's hand-made food,
Which tastes like the nectar of gods...
For him, heaven was like his home,
Where he could be whatever he wants to be...
For him, heaven was like his family's love,
Which makes him alive every time...


3 MAY 2020 AT 1:07

For some love is desire,
For some lust...
For some spending time together is desire,
For some sticking around together...
For some sacrifice for other's happiness is a desire,
For some being happier...
For some mental presence is desire,
For some getting physical...
For some sharing life is desire,
For some sharing bed...
For some long steps is a desire,
For some long drives...
For some creating memories is a desire,
For some making babies...
For some unconditional love is a desire,
For some love with benefits...
Love and lust are two faces of the same coin...
Both give you desire...
One that gives you unconditional love,
And other than ruins your life...
One will let you be happy,
And others will make you happy,
Only for a few periods of time...
The choice is yours...


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