समिर प्रधान   (©brokensentences)
31 Followers · 21 Following

So many things,so little time.
Joined 20 July 2018

So many things,so little time.
Joined 20 July 2018
26 MAY 2021 AT 22:46

Don't underestimate a guy who listens to country song.


"Its better to fight the whole world, then to quarrel with your own mind"


17 FEB 2021 AT 23:41

No matter where you've studied or who said it if it contradicts your thought, deny it.


12 FEB 2021 AT 20:48

You are following the trend and
I am following my heart we both are different dude.


Don't let Artificial Intelligence to take over human intelligence !


Jesus was a good shepherd
not a good sheep.


If you cannot be kind and honest
what's your education for ?


There are people that admire and there are the people that don't and you are wasting so much of energy caring for the ignoring ones and ignoring the admirers.


15 DEC 2020 AT 22:00

They know things about you
that you don't even know
about yourself !


13 DEC 2020 AT 22:43

Each one of us is unhappy, somehow !


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