Sima Chakrabarti  
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Joined 13 November 2019

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Joined 13 November 2019
26 APR AT 21:47

Partner was killed in their hub.
For long alone lives the dove.
He's roaming for her still in love.


26 APR AT 21:30

ছাদে ছান্দিক কাক

জমা ঘন থাক থাক
থেকে নীর নামে কোথা?
তৃষ্ণাতুর একা কাক
ডেকে মরে অযথা
গ্রীষ্মে জ্বলন ব্যথা
সারা গায়ে ছ্যাঁক ছ্যাঁক
সয়ে কা কা করে বৃথা
এ কীবা দুর্বিপাক।
আকাশে উঁচানো মাথা
অট্টালিকা নির্বাক।
কালো মেঘ হেথা হোথা
ছাদে ছান্দিক কাক।
নিদাঘ দহনকথা
ভূপ্রকৃতি চার্বাক।


25 APR AT 20:57

They came close

They got back each other
Father and daughter dear.
They tightly hugged each other
After a very long hang fire
Meeting not for over a year.
They were stuck in the war
In almost no food, no shelter
Only in tention only in fear.
They could come close together
Under the sky by sea water.
They came close to each other
Father and beloved daughter.


25 APR AT 20:18

More romantic

White clouds clotted are scattered yet densely aligned.
The marvelous moon appears occasionally from behind.
When only red light is scattered by the full moon
The agile ocean looks more romantic than when in lune.
As clouds make the moon mystic yet with sea set in tune
Dark waves look hazy even in an agile monsoon
Making the surface a mica mirage of a solid sand dune.


25 APR AT 15:19

A soul-sourced light

They're in love in zest
They're in quest
Of satisfaction nearest.
In the darkest
They can see the best
Each other in the love-nest
Emanating a soul-sourced light
Each face amazed with the bright
Other beloved, no external light
Present in the room in spite
Two hearts are hueing the night
For peace in a path pointing right.


23 APR AT 19:12

Absorbed in full
He looks at her. Who's more beautiful?
She or the flower. She, he isn't doubtful.
She looks at the flower, love, a mindful
Trying to share. Hesitates, nature's rule.


23 APR AT 16:27

I find it difficult to understand how
We still go for too much comfort now
The seeds for human destruction to sow.

It's difficult to digest why from its birth
To keep our civilization for longer worth
We don't take care of our mother earth.


23 APR AT 15:30

your ambition
for a lucrative career.

your realization
of what's a real barrier.


23 APR AT 15:05

Light to capture

Her hand she extends with stretched palm,
first light to capture
When the morning sun penetrates the dark
through the only aperture.
As the sun goes up she misses it
till its departure.
Since imprisonment, darkness always
accompanies her.
The hole brings little light in the room
during the day
Till dusk is suspended in dimming traces
of its last ray.
Exorbitant experiences in her short life
as a hard copy to lay
She writes her diary for the rest world
as long as evening is on the way.


23 APR AT 13:14

Summer temperature gallops
Cloud coagulation flops
Hopeless field crops.


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