Siddharth Kanoujia   (Siddharth N K)
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Joined 4 September 2021

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Joined 4 September 2021
26 APR AT 20:56

O Lord!
Give me the patience to deal with spineless snakes,
Who entwine themselves in your life
To hiss and tell your secrets to others.


13 MAR AT 0:01

Things that Life taught Me

Self-Affirmation is always better than seeking validation from others.


7 MAR AT 19:26

Things that Life taught Me

Never ever help a selfish person because you might do that out of the goodness of your heart but that person will credit his own cunning for getting you to help him.

He will never be thankful.


25 NOV 2023 AT 23:47

I pity those who hate me without knowing Me.


1 OCT 2023 AT 15:05

A car might have
surreal looks,
immense power
and great mileage,
but it's nothing
without a driver.

Same goes for some people.
Without the right person
to guide them
they won't move an inch
and if they do,
there will be accidents.


3 SEP 2023 AT 23:43

Arrogance of some people is simply amazing!
I mean they are literally nothing, but insecure narrow-minded filthy excuse of a human beings. But they act as if they are the centre of galaxy.

I mean, come on!

There are millions of other human beings who are better than them but they somehow prance around thinking that they rock the world.

Is this insane narcissism or is their arrogance just a coping mechanism to deal with the painful realization of their own sense of inferiority? Who knows? And best of all, WHO CARES?


3 SEP 2023 AT 10:03

A fly inside the car is annoying. It buzzes around and distracts you while you're driving. You take a swipe at it, lower the car windows to let it out. But it is persistent. It won't go away!

Just ignore it.

Like those people in your life who are as irritating and hell-bent on making your life miserable. If you pay too much attention to them like the fly inside your car you'll ignore your destination and might have an accident.


30 AUG 2023 AT 23:25

एक धागे में पिरो लो सारा प्यार
सब मनाओ मिलके राखी का त्योहार

भले ही मिल न पाओ पूरे साल
भूल कर दूरी आज सजाओ थाल

उसकी पसंदीदा मेवे की मिठाई
सबसे बड़ी राखी जो भर दे कलाई

तेरे प्यार का तिलक माथे पर सजा कर
भाई तेरा घूमे पूरे दिन इतराये
नाज़ किस्मत पर करे सबको बताए
कितना खुश है वो ऐसी बहन पा कर

इसलिए, एक धागे में पिरो लो सारा प्यार
सब मनाओ मिलके राखी का त्योहार


24 AUG 2023 AT 0:55

तुझसे जुदा हुए, खुद से रूबरू हो गए
तेरे मुफ़लिसों की हम आबरू हो गए।

चंद रोज़, चंद लोग साथ जो चल दिया
आपको लगा आप सियासत-दाँ हो गए।

उसूलों ने कुछ ऐसी साज़िश रची
बेख़तावार ही खतावार हम हो गए।

शर्म तुमको न आयी, न आएगी कभी
ऐसी बेहयाई पे पशेमां हम हो गए।

परवरिश ने हमारी इतना मजबूर किया
तेरी बेरुखी पे सज्दा-रेज़ हम हो गए।


13 JUL 2023 AT 22:49

राजनीति में जाने कितने ही दोगले हो गए
दोस्ती के रिश्ते-नाते सारे खोखले हो गए


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