Siddharth Gupta   (Sìddhárth Gùptá ©)
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Joined 6 June 2017

Joined 6 June 2017
1 FEB 2020 AT 0:39

Pie with rum 'n' row,
Cold breeze with a crazy bow,
This tintinnabulation in a
Spiritual door......


26 NOV 2019 AT 20:43

" The Birthday Girl"
Exhausted after a long day,
She sights my brown ray,
Had we together lone,
Renders my thoughts awake,
Back way to the shelter
Decides to extend the way....
Yes, extend the way
May we walk those empty roads
And witness the shooting stars,
She gradually held my hands
So the beats phased high,
Let this soul be atmost lie,
Bring down this moon and stars .....
Come to my home, he utters a while
So shot up the blush thy,
Hey, you follow my steps by,
Dinner, not planned to be a candlelight,
you seems so shy.......
Ohhhhh , you seems soo shy


19 NOV 2019 AT 19:14

My Way of Attaining Nirvana


11 NOV 2019 AT 18:56

We sat alone,
Yes those darkness prevails thou,
Some music bangs our ears low,
Insecure from this vicinity by,
She holds my arms tight.......
Nothing had we utter for
minutes so passed,
So is how ,I listened her
stammer heart,
For a while , I catched her eyes bliss
Uncannily something touched my lips,
The racing beat of her heart pulsated under my fingertips,
Grip of fist became stiffen by........
Her lips were luscious then a
Whiskey or Wine.......
We conquered each other, high
Desire doesn't enropes my mind shy,
Ask those stars and moon above endless sky
Who witnessed by,
Nohhh, I dont lie.......


6 NOV 2019 AT 0:58

Something to start within hands,
Something to gain new.
This where I am, and that
I thought to build,
Is all about the Needs and Wants............


6 NOV 2019 AT 0:38

He, who belittles the importance of
attitude in life, work and task,
Grazes an empty field


29 OCT 2019 AT 23:35

I explored a man in me.....
These eyes,
Sleepless and awaited by.
I met my hands to write,
Producing crop to a grain wide.
Those dumb Rain drops ,
Grizzling me thy memories by..........
Ohh !! You deaf mind ,
Everything is gone, you just cry


17 SEP 2019 AT 0:59

Touch any book when you worth it,
To open it casually may damage it seriously so deep.......


14 SEP 2019 AT 2:32

अब और नहीँ बटूंगा मैं।

हाँ, अब और नही बटूंगा मैं,
बदलाव यूँ तो कई हुए, आजाद भारत के नाम पे,
पर मिट न सका अत्याचार,
धर्म, जाती, के नाम पे,
तुम कहते हो वो मुस्लिम, वो हिन्दू
सिख ,ईसाई हैं,
क्या खूब धूल इंसानियत की नजरों मे
तुमने ये उड़ाई है।
मोहल्ले में गूँजी हैं मंदिरों की घंटियां,
और मस्जिदों की अज़ान भी,
मुझमें हैं हरिजन
मुझमे है गांधी और आंबेडकर की परछाई भी।
माँगा न हमने मंदिर था न मस्जिद की जिज्ञासा कभी,
ये तो तुमारी राजनीति की घिनोनी चाल थी,
किरण पर अब एकता की ,
जिसको बादल बन अड़े हो तुम,
वह अब सवेरा मांगती,
हर सव जिसको चौराहे पर तुमने लाठियो
से है मारा अभी, अब इंसाफ है मांगती।
बस बहुत तोड़ लिया तुम्हें हमें,
पर, अब और नहीँ बटूंगा मैं।
हाँ, अब और नहीँ बटूंगा मैं।


8 SEP 2019 AT 16:54

Those experiences made me hard,
But these expectations has made me fool......


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