Shubham Pitale   (©Shubham Sudhin Pitale✍)
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To know what to "write" must be "right"!
Joined 30 May 2018

To know what to "write" must be "right"!
Joined 30 May 2018

क्योंकि बुराई में हैं आसानी, और अच्छाई में कठिनाई;
नीक बनना हैं मुश्किल, पर अब खुद से ही हारने की जारी हैं तैयारी।



तेरे होंठों की जो ये मीठी मुस्कान,
मेरे दिल को कर दे दीवाना मेरी जान...
उन भीगे लबों के इशारों से मैं जो बेहेक गया,
सपने में ही क्यों न हो, पर उन्हें चूमने से तेरा चेहरा आखिर मेहेक गया!


8 MAR AT 11:28

In a world, where Women shine so bright,
Their strength and grace, a wondrous sight;
On this special day, let's celebrate,
Their courage, love and endless fate!

They walk with purpose, heads held high,
Through every storm, they dare to fly;
Their laughter echoes, their voices strong,
In every heart, they truly belong!

From Mothers nurturing with tender care,
To Sisters spreading joy everywhere;
Where Daughters are dreaming of a brighter tomorrow,
And Friends who lift each other from sorrow!

They break down barriers, defy the norm,
Their bravery shines in every storm;
On this Women's Day, let's honor and cheer,
For the Women who make the world so dear!


5 MAR AT 23:50

तुम्हारी खूबसूरती ने मुझे दीवाना बना दिया...
क्या खूबियां हैं तुम्हारी, ये कैसे समझा जाए?

तुम्हारी मुस्कान का जादू, तुम्हारी आँखों का नजारा...
हर पल जो इशारा करे, तुम्हारी ओर कैसे खींचा जाए?

तुम्हारी हर बात में छुपा, जादू जो अद्भुत सा...
तुम्हारी खूबसूरती का राज, कैसे पेहेचाना जाए?

तुम एक ख़्वाब हो, जो हकीकत में सजता है हर दिन...
तुम बिन अब जीना मुश्किल, तुम्हारे बिना कैसे रहा जाए?

तुम्हारी खूबसूरती में, छुपा है सच्चे प्यार का राज़...
तुम्हें जो मैं इतना प्यार करूं, की मुझे ना समझे तुम्हें कैसे बताया जाए?


4 MAR AT 17:56

वो कभी ना रोने वाला लड़का उस दिन जी भर के रो पड़ा...
क्योंकि उसके पसंदीदा इंसान ने पेहली बार उसकी तारीफ की थी!


1 FEB AT 23:06

In the quiet embrace of passion, my lips met the tender warmth of her breasts – a delicate dance of love unfolding in each kiss bestowed upon her responsive nipples.

In that intimate connection, time seemed to stand still as our hearts orchestrated a silent symphony of desire. The soft curves became a sanctuary – a canvas where whispered affections and shared vulnerability painted a portrait of our unique romance.

In those moments, the language of love echoed in every gentle touch, etching a tale of intimacy and tenderness that I'll forever hold close to my heart!


28 JAN AT 20:09

In the soft glow of the evening
lights, her beauty shone like
a delicate flower in full bloom.
The transparent blouse she
wore revealed a glimpse of
her alluring cleavage, adding
a touch of mystery to her
presence. As she moved
gracefully, the subtle elegance
of her style and the gentle
allure of her charm captivated
my heart. At that moment,
it felt as if time stood still,
and I couldn't help but be
enchanted by the simple
yet mesmerizing beauty
that lay before me.


14 JAN AT 19:47

My Dearest Selina,

In the shadows of Gotham, where darkness prevails, your light pierces through. Your essence, a cat's grace, steals into my guarded heart. In the silence of our secret identities, I find the loudest whispers of love. You – my elusive jewel, are the only truth in my world of masks and capes. To call you mine is to uncover the greatest treasure.



10 JAN AT 23:17

कधी तरी तिचा मेसेज आला
की खूप बरं वाटतं...

कारण तिचा मेसेज
कधी तरीच येतो!!!


1 JAN AT 23:16

In the garden of our love, a bloom so sweet,
Each passing year, a tale of love complete...
With every dawn, a promise anew,
My heart whispers: "I'll forever cherish you!"

As the calendar turns, a chapter unfolds,
A love story written, in letters of gold...
In the spring of our affection, petals unfurl,
A symphony of emotions – a dance, a swirl!

With the first light of January, my love takes flight,
A journey that deepens, like the darkest night...
Like a rose in bloom, vibrant and rare,
Our love blossoms, beyond compare!

In the warmth of February, emotions ignite,
A flame that flickers, burning bright...
With each passing day, passion ignites,
A love that transcends, all earthly delights!

March whispers, promises on the breeze,
As our love grows, like ancient trees...
Roots entwined, a bond unbroken,
A love so pure, a sacred token!

April showers, of affection cascade,
Nurturing the love, that will never fade...
In the garden of us, emotions bloom,
A fragrant symphony, dispelling all gloom!

May brings blossoms, delicate and sweet,
A reflection of love, pure and complete...
Hand in hand, we walk this path,
Our love story – a masterpiece, a craft!— % &June sunsets, paint the sky with hues,
A canvas of love, where dreams accrue...
In the tapestry of time, our story's spun,
A love so infinite, second to none!

July's warmth, echoes in our embrace,
A love that time, can never erase...
Through highs and lows, we'll persevere,
For each new year – my love for you, my dear!

August whispers, of forevermore,
As our love deepens, like oceans floor...
Through the seasons, our love evolves,
A saga of passion, that forever solves!

September's breeze, carries a tender song,
A melody of love, sweet and strong...
With every heartbeat, our connection grows,
A love that withstands, the highs and lows!

October leaves fall, a dance in the air,
A celebration of love, beyond compare...
In the autumn of life, our love still thrives,
A testament to the joy, that forever derives!

November's chill, a warmth we share,
A love that's constant, a flame to bear...
Through the years, in joy and tears,
Our love persists, conquering fears!

December snow blankets, our love so pure,
A timeless tale, that will endure...
As the year concludes, my love for you so clear,
In every season, my love blossoms each new year!!!— % &


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