Shshank Singh Rajput   (The emotional wanderer)
58 Followers · 9 Following

Someone who loves to read and write
Joined 19 November 2019

Someone who loves to read and write
Joined 19 November 2019
5 FEB 2022 AT 23:52

To see spellbound a sunset in shadows cast on a sunless day
To hear ocean waves echoing through the hollow of a pocketed treasure
To smell detritus and become overwhelmed with the beauty of life
To taste manna flowing freely through throat’s caverns
To touch the hand of the outcast and feel God reaching back
To embody love so profoundly that these senses become limbs for the journey.— % &


5 FEB 2022 AT 0:14

I no longer pray—
now I drink dark chocolate and let the moon sing to me.
I no longer pray— I let my ancestors dance through my hips at the slightest provocation.
I no longer pray—I go to the river
and howl my ancient pain into the current.
I no longer pray—I ache, I desire,
I say “yes” to my longing.
I no longer pray as I was taught
but as the stars crawl onto my lap like soft animals at nighttime and God tucks my hair behind my ears with the gentle fingers of her wind and a new intimacy is uncovered in everything, perhaps it's that I’m finally learning how to pray.~~— % &


3 FEB 2022 AT 22:26

Love A Soft Person


3 FEB 2022 AT 22:22

People You Meet When You Start To Heal


3 FEB 2022 AT 22:17

What Breaks Us, Saves Us


3 FEB 2022 AT 22:12

When They Choose Not To Forgive You


3 FEB 2022 AT 22:07

Knowing your worth.

Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you. If someone wants you in their life, they’ll make room for you. You shouldn’t have to fight for a spot. Never, ever insist yourself to someone who continuously overlooks your worth. And remember, it’s not the people that stand by your side when you’re at your best, but the ones who stand beside you when you’re at your worst that are your true friends.


3 FEB 2022 AT 22:06

Union A Bliss
Out of your yearning for intimate communion, the ancient companions of the heart will always respond, though in ways that may remain bewildering to the mind bent on resolving the untamed activity of love. These ones come not as enemies, but as lovers, seeking just one moment of your embodied presence, your compassionate communion, and the light of your holding and care. To the degree you are intimate with the unwanted within, it is to this degree that you are able to be intimate with another. If you have not provided shelter for the unmet inside you, how will you ever contain the darkness and the light of the beloved? Look carefully for the invitation of union is emerging out of the unseen in every moment and may never look quite like you thought. In infinite forms of sweet and fierce grace, the beloved is everywhere, playing all around and inside you, and will continue to appear eternally in both dark and light forms.~~


2 FEB 2022 AT 23:50

Divine Learning


2 FEB 2022 AT 23:43

This life is deceiving, don't you understand? And material things are illusion, don't you understand? And all happiness is a dream, don't you understand? Criticisms and praise are dreams, don't you understand? Appearances are your mind, don't you understand? And your own mind is Buddha, don't you understand? And Buddha Nature is (True Reality,) don't you understand? And when you realize this, whatever appears is mind. Through out day and night, look at your mind. When you look at your mind, you don't see anything. When you don't see anything, let go and relax.


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