shriyam talwar   (Shriyam)
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In love with words.
Joined 16 October 2017

In love with words.
Joined 16 October 2017
19 AUG 2022 AT 12:00

Being a good listener is so underrated.
Imagine a doctor, a teacher, a mother, a friend, a partner not listening to you the way you want.
Imagine them being not able to understand the problems behind your words.
Isn’t it heart breaking?


14 OCT 2020 AT 0:21

You will meet a lot of people who will open up their hearts to you and tell you all that they have been through. Only a few will be ready to listen to yours with compassion. Be a hoarder for those souls.


8 MAY 2020 AT 8:17

Solitude is just so underrated. We are scared of surviving alone all our lives and hence fall for the wrong people, surviving in cases even worst than loneliness. But once you start loving being alone, that feeling of contentment never leaves you and you keep on passing the vibe to other people. You wanna shout out to the world and tell that being alone is amazing and being alone doesn’t always go parallel to being lonely.


30 MAR 2020 AT 14:56

There comes a time in your life when a pretty face, a sexy body and an attractive personality stops making any sense.
What makes sense instead is
a beautiful soul, a sexy mind and a highly developed sense of understanding.
Beauty fades, intellect doesn’t.


31 JAN 2020 AT 6:09

Nothing stands true for every situation.

Stop thinking in extremes. Be what the situations demands you to be.


12 JAN 2020 AT 15:46

A thing,
That kept me going,
When the times were rough and the winds kept blowing.

A sudden gush of feelings would pull me down,
And I would lose my strength and surrender the crown.

In the darkest of nights and saddest of days,
I was scared I would give up, lose, and fade.

Then a soul spoke to me in the wisest of ways,
And told me how to live up and value the toughest phase.

So i took my crown and wore it again,
And a journey to find a new way to the kingdom began.


2 OCT 2019 AT 23:27

Why is it that we are only bothered about the endings?
Why do we always focus so much on them being happy and satisfying that we loose sight of how we felt during the whole journey and what it made out of us? Why is it that we are not happy about those little fulfilling moments of learning and happiness that brought us to the ending.

Why do we JUST focus on happy endings?


5 JUL 2019 AT 21:03

Why to talk about what you are to someone,
Or what someone is to you.
Why not pay attention to what you are to your own self, or even better, what you can be?


28 MAY 2019 AT 11:00

The way we look at people is generally a projection of how we are feeling at that particular moment.

It is ironic how we can limit the other person by our own limitations.


6 MAY 2019 AT 14:21

The ‘I’ in you is the barrier to everything great.


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