Shrishti Yadav   (Musafir)
5.7k Followers · 11 Following

On a break.
Joined 30 September 2019

On a break.
Joined 30 September 2019
17 MAY 2021 AT 12:39

They might be good for others but toxic for you.


2 MAY 2021 AT 18:13

I hope I'll outlive the pain.


2 MAY 2021 AT 18:08

Take away the shine of gold and then it's just a shade of yellow.


2 MAY 2021 AT 18:05

I found what I loved and then let it kill me.


17 MAR 2021 AT 19:18

If art is how we decorate space then music is how we decorate time.


13 MAY 2020 AT 19:33

Even if my flaws are too big.
I still bloom
Even if my body is not perfect.
I still bloom
Even if people objectify me.
I still bloom
Because the love that
I hold for myself is lot
bigger than other's opinion.


30 OCT 2019 AT 16:43

दूसरों की बुराइयां तो बहुत निकालते हो तुम ,
चलो आज अपनी अच्छाइयां भी गिनवा दो ।


7 MAR 2021 AT 19:05

I would rather adjust my life to their absence than adjust my boundaries to their disrespect.


6 MAR 2021 AT 15:27

Sun is meant to shine ,
River is meant to flow ,
Flowers are meant to bloom ,
And you my darling ,
You are meant to be free.


6 MAR 2021 AT 15:20

I am not afraid of the world ending.
Because my world ends every night and I see new beginning every morning.


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