Saumya Snehil  
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the human cactus
Joined 1 September 2016

the human cactus
Joined 1 September 2016
3 JAN 2019 AT 0:43

Every time somebody leaves, you're reminded of everybody who has left.


10 MAY 2017 AT 9:58

मैं आज़ादी की क़ैदी हूँ।


21 AUG 2021 AT 6:51

If you're wondering how to start loving yourself enough, the first step is to forgive yourself for not having loved yourself enough so far!


30 DEC 2020 AT 0:42

No lemon alone can make a good lemonade unless you know your taste in sugar & spice!


25 SEP 2019 AT 23:04

Life has turned into a 'Fill in the blanks' question with; if, only and when, as options.


5 SEP 2019 AT 5:33

I was looking for a known face
To fall in love with, when I had already known many;
I meant, I was looking for the known one
The one that felt like home in my dreams.

In my dreams, the known one was like a highway
The one with no traffic signals
The road that doesn't make you think twice
But when I'm not dreaming
It is a city full of redlights
Faces that I have seen before
None that I have known


27 JUN 2019 AT 21:39

My camera is the defence mechanism I use to style my social anxiety!


22 JUN 2019 AT 21:23

I lie on the carpet in my hall
There's no space on my bed
It is a dumpyard of undone laundry
I don't have a couch but a few
mattresses folded to sit on
There's no space there either
It's surrounded by cockroaches
I lie on the carpet in my hall
There's ketchup dried on it
from some night's swiggy splurge
I see my fallen hair entangled
With dust dancing on the floor
The window curtains are flying
all above my head
They are purple in colour
I never liked purple
It reminds me of brinjals
But I like Windows
It's like my social media platform
The only connection with the outside world
There's no electricity at home
The curtains are playing
hide & seek with the daylight
Looks like a pretty day outside
I haven't been out of my house
The last time I went out in the sun
My home was not a mess
My curtains didn't remind me of brinjals
I didn't have bed sores
Probably I wasn't a mess either


15 JUN 2019 AT 13:23

The idea is not of self love but to diminish self.


30 MAY 2019 AT 10:19

Never fall for a person who is not over his past, he will teach you how to never get over him and become your past.


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