𝓢𝓪𝓸𝓷𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓱𝓪 💙   (Barsha♥️)
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Joined 8 March 2020

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Joined 8 March 2020

The more you see 🙈
The more you fall 🍁


Paper is the only one thing who never betrays or avoids you to keep your words in a safest place not only that but also it never prohibits you to put your words on itself.


कितने दुःख सहन किए हैं.. इस अतृप्त आत्मा ने
इसीलिए ही तो जो मनचाहा कह पाते हो... अगर कभी मन को पढ़ लिया होता तो शायद इतने मनहूस बने नहीं फिरते.....🥀


closest ones is the most awful thing ever...which will not be expressed to others😒


Nostalgic and can relate with🍃🥰

Rhythmic but won't get that much depth🫧🤷🏻‍♀️


अपनी मासुमियत को छूपा के रखोगे..
एक ना एक दिन तो इज़हार करना ही पड़ेगा जब तुम महसूस करने लगोगे।।🍁


but I can hold you as a companion if I want.....
If I try to adore you then it's hard to continue
If I promise to keep the friendship then it's possible for me to keep you all by my end🍁...


Somethings never fades off but you have the try to hold on till the end...


the shelters who helps you in every circumstances and guide you till your adulthood . He loves you the most but he won't able to express in words doing many sacrifices.

“Behind every sacrifice; love is hidden.”

|Love you Papa🤗❤️|


कुछ बोल‌ के तो आजमाओं आखिर चाहते क्या हो!!


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