Santhosh Jayaram   (SJ)
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Joined 19 July 2020

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Joined 19 July 2020
30 APR AT 12:11


I am a prisoner of my thoughts

I am a prisoner of my knowledge

I am a prisoner of my memories

I am a prisoner of my experiences

I am a prisoner of my comforts

I am a prisoner of my environment

I am a prisoner of my success

I am a prisoner of my failures

I know the prisoner in me

Who keeps me grounded

For I am prisoner of gravity.


1 APR AT 17:13

Really !?

Success doesn't make you smart, just like, failure doesn't make you fool.


30 MAR AT 5:50

Really !?

Corporate Purpose

Shouldn't it be developed by
a set of people who have
discovered their own?


26 MAR AT 14:45

Really !?

Second Law of Thermodynamics

The progression of global politics


23 MAR AT 8:00

Really !?

The case of a few "Bad Apples"

The most popular political and corporate cliche.


18 MAR AT 19:53

Really !?

Corporate Values

As if the corporate is a person who should not be a self-interested, greedy character.

As if it has the brain that should not create complex structures to evade tax.

As if it feels empathetic not to create products that can damage the environment.

As if it has feelings not to pay less than living wages for the employees


10 MAR AT 11:35

Really !?


You are an animal,
but an exceptional one.
The exception is,
for you to decide.


29 FEB AT 11:57

Really !?


The thrill is in the hunt.


3 JAN AT 17:18

Really !?

Corporate Regulations

Are regulations trying to catch up with the corporates?


Are corporations trying to catch up with the regulations?


16 DEC 2023 AT 19:11

Really !?


Don't expect it to behave the way you believe it should....


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