Sanika ✿   (Sanika J)
357 Followers · 33 Following

new beginnings 💜
Joined 28 March 2020

new beginnings 💜
Joined 28 March 2020
3 DEC 2023 AT 12:09

Are we silly enough to try ?
or are we silly enough to not ?


2 DEC 2023 AT 19:35

Losing people is simply life's way of having a feedback control over the (wrong) choices you make


28 MAY 2021 AT 12:38

I m the only one, when there's need...
I m absolutely no one, once the purpose is satisfied..!


25 MAY 2021 AT 21:34

Don't let your heart be a slave to someone else's actions!


17 MAY 2021 AT 1:08

You are Satisfied

It matters many times more over

People are Pleased!


14 MAY 2021 AT 12:33

A small reminder:

Someone's love and concern for you, cannot necessarily be directly proportional to that of yours for them!


9 MAY 2021 AT 16:19

What's the most difficult thing to pick up?

A fallen heart!


9 MAY 2021 AT 1:28

Liveliness! ❤️


4 MAY 2021 AT 0:40

If it doesn't stay, let it go!

Try letting go
I know you've got an inseparable habit,
I know it's not gonna be easy,
I know you are broken

Try once
Let that pain off your mind,
Let those unanswered questions remain so
for they don't matter anyways,
Leave off those complaints,
Those why me's
Those stupid disturbing thoughts

Try letting go of it
Try letting go of them
For they don't deserve you
And for you, deserve a happier self!


3 MAY 2021 AT 0:05

Hold me a seat near you!


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