Saloni Khanna  
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Joined 14 October 2019

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Joined 14 October 2019

The smell of familiarity is so divine 

In the corners of the heart love resides 

Your touch arouses me 

In your absence I can feel your presence 

The smell  I embrace 

I feel you more .
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26 APR AT 21:42

You are the storybook of my life
Bookmark is significant in the pages
Without your presence I lose my image
Your persona is dignified I go out of coverage .
A tiny reminder of where I left off
A pause in time before the next chapter begins.
An anchor in the chaos
A gentle guide through the pages of my scattered thoughts.
In between the pages I become emotional
Your presence holds its importance a token of love ends the chapter beautiful.
I hold the bookmark in between the pages with pride
Without you I'm nothing, through highs and lows you have been my guide .


26 APR AT 18:30

मुस्कुराहते भी है
गुनगुनाते भी है
नाचतें भी है
लिखते भी है
सुर और ताल
बन जाती है
जीवन की ढाल


26 APR AT 15:32

I wither like a
Fading petal in the wind
Lost in autumn's sigh.


26 APR AT 11:04

A promise I never let you fall
Your crawl will become a walk.


26 APR AT 6:00

On Cloud Nine

On cloud nine, I soar with glee
A blissful state of ecstasy.
High above the worries below
In a world where dreams freely flow.

Weightless and free, I dance in the sky
Among the fluffy clouds, I fly.
Embracing the joy that fills my soul
On cloud nine, I found my ultimate goal.


25 APR AT 22:03

Unsaid words hurt more
The silence creeps in there's no cure .
Unseen wounds have a deeper mark
And your story unfolds in the dark .
There's a lump in the throat , hurting the soul
An invisible weight on the soul.
Unspoken pain, hidden scars
A story untold in the shadows.
With each passing moment their echo grows
A heavy ache ,a tale left untold.
In the quiet spaces between our breaths
Lie the unsaid words, heavy as lead.
Silent echoes of longing and regret
Unseen wounds that never quite mend.


25 APR AT 17:24

अगर दावा काम न करें
दोस्तों को मिल लो
सारे दर्दे भूल जाओगे


25 APR AT 10:03

बड़ी हसीन थी वो रात
जब हुई थी पहली मुलाकात।

आँखों ने कह दी थी हर बात
खुल गए थे हमारे सारे जज़्बात।

जीवन भर मिल गया एक तोहफ़ा
दोस्ती और प्यार भरा सौगात ।


25 APR AT 9:39

Immortality is the divine breeze of eternity 

Joyously radiates the divine love from the melodic breeze that surrounds your mortality .

Keep me safe in your bubble of protection 

To evince my steps in the right direction.

In realms of dreams, where thoughts are free to roam

Immortality beckons, a shimmering dome.

A place where time stands still, where life is one

Where mortal fears and pains are undone.

Embrace your timeless melody 

Where your spirits can dance freely.


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