Sakshi Verma   (Auratictale)
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Joined 16 March 2018
3 FEB AT 16:48

आज लिख ही देते है मोहोब्बत की दास्तां
ईश्क के लिऐ पास होना जरूरी नहीं
दूर से जो ईश्क किया तूने वो बेशक आसान नहीं
पर देखें है मैंने ऐसे भी लोग
जो पास होकर भी पास नहीं और जिसको इस बात का एहसास भी नहीं
दिल तोड़ जाते हैं जमाने में रहकर,
या फिर बोलूं जमाने में खो कर
और जो सोचते है हम दूर है तो ज़रूर तरसते होंगे
ऐसा जरूरी तो नहीं क्योंकि उसे मिलने की उम्मीद मैं ईश्क फनाह कर जाते है


28 JUN 2023 AT 22:46

You cannot keep anyone or anything with you forever because everything is time-bound around this universe and that attachment hurts, so you kinda have to let go
of all the sufferings and pain and
have to keep moving with a heavy heart no matter how strong it might be pulling you deep inside the depths of a doleful sea.
And second is stay as lowkey as possible, people doesn't need to know your every action and moment because nazar is real.


28 JUN 2023 AT 22:27

मुझे इस बार थोड़ा और नजदीक से
मेरे अहसाससो को मेंहसू करना है,
कहीं चाली न जाई भागी भागी
वो मेरे इश्क के अल्फफाज,
तुझे देख लू एक तक आंख भर के की सभी यादें उस एक लम्हे मैं कैद हो जाएं और तू हमेशा मेरे अंदर समा जाए।


16 JUL 2022 AT 1:35

Overthinking probably,
about how the situation has gotten this worse,
That how we are no longer in talking terms.
Overthinking about the minute details of harshness
which could've been forbidden.
But the distance in mind and in soul have gotten too much,
Which felt sometimes could've been
closely kept intact by us.
Safe and profound out of the reach of this cruel world.
Of how the do's and don'ts of things decide our fate,
Which could've been better at times and saving me from these sleepless nights,
Allowing for a peaceful sleep and those happy memories.


30 APR 2022 AT 1:47

There's hope, there's freedom, there's existence in silence and worst nightmares are even kind enough to show us the reality of life.
Alas! we hope for a better future and better tomorrow. With the sayings it goes.. whatever you want in life will definitely come on it's own time, trust the process and trust the divine timing.


8 MAR 2022 AT 9:57

I want you to know that,
I adore you enough to not be separated from you ever,
even at my worst nightmares.
You always had my back,
when I had all the lows in my life.
Seeing your strength throughout the rough days,
I get inspired to be atleast a bit like you.
Through all the hardships you sail like a smooth breeze,
without even our realising it,
I wish I could be like you and not crying over
my failures and uncertainties.
Enough is not the word I can ever describe you with,
It's going to be an eternity to last.
You are a pool of endless possibilities,
love care and affection. your a mother, a wife,
a sister, a daughter, homemaker,
and making everybody's messed up world
a better place to live in.


23 FEB 2022 AT 0:58

Confused friendships
Beginning of everything..
The insecurities for the future or
the consequences of the long gone separations,
what not could be the possibilities..
Still friendships dosen't see any extremities.
It just happen, simply.


19 JAN 2022 AT 17:03

Losing the grip of time
and unwinding the tales of rhyme,
As the music gets even more divine
and hitting the edges of the strings with a hymn,
Like a piano keys across your Palm hits with an embrace.
Like the arcane and the Sandy breeze
in a vast desert flows like insane,
making the footprints to just fade away
and the chirping of birds are nowhere to claim.
Making the mornings as harsh as it may sound.
The desert life is being so fatal and
bringing out blossom through it, is not so profound.

Thus, the struggles you face to reach on the top is also remarkable.
with the sanity wrapped upon the clusters of your emotions,
the destination has been defined for you since the very beginning and we have to reach it on time.
We are on our own time, with our own gains and our own losses.


18 JAN 2022 AT 20:02

Some people we meet at crossroads and sometimes they come to give us some lessons, which sometimes is necessary for the future version of ourselves to learn something out of it and get a blessing to mend ourselves into a better version for our better future.


29 DEC 2021 AT 2:21

His mom said, "why do you want to marry my son?"
I replied, "So that i can take care of him the way you did."
She said, "How..but?"
I replied, "like a pearl hidden beneath the deep ocean bed, my love will keep him safe from all the demons that ever wanna touch him."💕


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