Sakshi Agarwal   (Sakshi 's pen)
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Joined 6 June 2018

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Joined 6 June 2018

understanding life and understood that it's all a drama here .
Everyone is playing their roles as a parent , sibling or anything for a limited time as per their karmic balance .
There is only true love from parents and God rest everything is garbage.
Everything is temporary and all other relations are fake purely useless just carrying butter but remember they have a knife so stop wasting time.


25 APR AT 12:12

be anti social

focus on myself rather than others.


24 APR AT 23:45

बच्चे मां बाप को छोड़ कर दूसरे शहर में बस जाते हैं ,
यही संसार है की हम अकेले आए और अकेले चले जायेंगे।
उम्मीद औलाद से न करे ईश्वर से रखें बस।


24 APR AT 0:11

when I understood that lord has already better plans for me,
So what's the point of struggling badly for something which he didn't want to give because he already knows what's good and fine for us.


21 APR AT 0:11

खत्म कर देती है एक औरत को,
वो हर पल घुटी है, ससुराल और मायके की कश्मकश में,
ना जाने कितनी औरतें एक झूठी शादी जीके इस संसार से निकल गई।


20 APR AT 23:48

Hope makes me alive , that Sunset is not permanent , Sunrise is happening again .
Hope makes me happy that I have a morning tomorrow and works to do .


19 APR AT 12:38

सीखते ही ये जाने की चुगली करने वाले पाखंडी हैं
रिश्तेदार सबसे बड़े दुश्मन हैं,इसलिए इनसे न मिलें कभी भी,
दुनिया दिखावा करते करते नरक की ओर अग्रसर हो रही है, पूजा भी दिखावा है और इनका मन माया में और चुगली करने में लगा हुआ है और ये ऐसे ही करते करते नरक पहुंचेंगे।


15 APR AT 8:51

to be free in this suffocating world,
be hard working to manage food for themselves,
not worrying for future and taking care of the kids only for a short span as, pampering them will spoil them.


15 APR AT 0:01

a person who will never regret being kind no matter how hard it gets.
a person who will never be unkind to any old person ,small kids or animals.
goodness in each enemy to thank them to come to my life.


9 APR AT 17:38

समझदार और जीवन क्या है सीखते हैं।


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