♾There are few people who listen..
But none understand...♾-
Fan of quotes and poems....❤♾
♾Flowing tears are better than words flowing in ignorant
♾Behind great achievements..
There are much greater sacrifices...♾-
♾Pulling innocent lives into darkness,more deeper,
The memories that will haunt forever...
From luring kids,to abducting adults,
From torturing them,to killing them...
Covering their body with permanent dirt,
How do these CREATURES find mirth?
Leaving girl species with fear unknown,
Calling them CRUEL is an understatement overthrown...
Everyday,new female faces on news,
Tortured,raped and abused..
Some survive,but with a stain,
Dying everyday with a weird pain...
Yet society blames females,
For attracting such vague males...
Isn't dressing a right..
Can't such males control their sight?
Why females always taught to be in limits,
When these creatures roam off limits..?
How will faith in humanity exist,
While these creatures under name of 'MAN' exist..
In the end,
Unanswered questions and ruined lives are only what remain...♾
♾"I will stay in your life forever"....
The promise which is meant to be kept but is always broken by destiny....♾-
♾It's not how you control your feelings..
It's how you hide them...♾-
♾Eventually what remains,are not the people...
But the memories with them..♾
♾Everyone have their own perspective..
Which few people fail to consider..♾-