Sage   (Aylin)
2.6k Followers · 113 Following

Joined 15 May 2019

Joined 15 May 2019

Amethyst whispers caress the hollows
of forgotten dreams,
Where crystalline tears of banshees congeal
into prismatic screams.
Can ebony petals of mourning unfurl
their venomous embrace
And dissolve the discordant echoes
of time's relentless chase?

Spectral tendrils of ambrosial dusk
entwine my fractured soul,
As I traverse labyrinthine corridors
of memory's parasol.
Gossamer threads of bygone ardor unravel
'neath sanguine skies,
While phantasmal dirges of
moth-winged sorrow materialize.

In sepulchral gardens where argent
moonbeams ossify,
I inter the vestiges of hope in
coffins of butterfly.
Amaranthine elegies cascade from lips
of tarnished gold,
As I genuflect before altars
of existence uncontrolled.



Whispered Confluence

Lovers speak
Hearts beat rhythmically
Tender words flow seamlessly


25 JUL AT 21:31

In gilded halls of time, a constant flame,
Unwavering through storms and gentle days,
A steadfast heart, its purpose e'er the same.


25 JUL AT 12:13

i yearn to master the art of eloquence,
to paint my adoration with verbal hues,
but alas, my tongue trips on sentiments—
syllables scatter like autumn's last leaves.

fumbling through phrases like a novice sailor,
i navigate the choppy seas of syntax,
my words a jumble of misplaced letters,
breaking rules faster than i can learn them.

yet in this mess of linguistic chaos,
we've crafted a language uniquely ours,
a code no scholar could ever decipher,
a puzzle piece that fits only us two.

no dictionary can define our lexicon,
no grammar book can parse our sentences,
for our dialogue transcends mere words—
it's written in the creases of our smiles.

it's spoken in the flutter of eyelashes,
whispered in the soft brush of fingertips,
sung in the symphony of synchronized breaths,
and echoed in the spaces between heartbeats.

this is our cipher, our secret missive,
a love letter penned in invisible ink,
decrypted only by the key we hold:
two souls attuned to life's sweetest frequency.


24 JUL AT 21:19

Devotion, steadfast as the Stars
That the nightly vigil keep.


24 JUL AT 20:23

Gray skies weeping
Memories flood with the rain
Love washed away
Petrichor lingers, haunting
Empty streets echo regret


24 JUL AT 20:06

Wandering, a Solitude
Amidst the Soul's Expanse
Life's Path, a slender thread
Knitting Earth to Heaven's Stance .


23 JUL AT 23:42

With each stitch, sibilant,
Secrets of her soul, sewn—
Gossamer threads pull,
Taut with tales of treachery,
Yet she weaves, wise and serene.

Her fingers fleet, finesse
The frail fabric, fortify
Each breach with belief,
As auroral light whispers
Promises, pale yet potent.

In the hush of twilight,
Her spirit sings, stitches
Lacing the lacunae,
A quiet quilting of quiesce,
Shrouded in hope's soft hymn.


23 JUL AT 21:53

Beware the writer’s pen, for hearts it flays,
In ink-stained realms where truth and fiction blend.
Their love, a tempest, never constant stays,
In words, they dwell, while you to shadows tend.


23 JUL AT 1:23

Celestial Sonata

Melodies cascade like stardust, painting the air
With iridescent whispers of dreams untold
Where crystal unicorns prance through violet sonatas
And butterflies waltz on gossamer notes unfurled

In this sanctuary of sound, I am both muse and maestro
Fingers dancing on cosmic keys, composing lunar lullabies
Each chord a universe, each rest a nebula's sigh
As I conduct the symphony of celestial skies

Nightingales draped in neon sing of love's sweet ache
Their voices laced with stardust and quantum dreams
I am Rapunzel of rhythm, locked in a tower of tunes
Weaving harmonies from moonbeams and sunbeams

In this concert hall of constellations,
I am everywhere and nowhere
A whisper on the wind, a rhythm in the rain
Crafting cinnamon cantatas and strawberry serenades
As Mother Nature hums her own refrain

When at last my song fades, a final fermata
I'll dissolve into the cosmic chorus, a note eternal
For in each beat, each pause, each passionate phrase
Life's grand opus plays on, beautiful and infernal


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