Ruby Manchanda   (Whispering Thoughts)
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Filling the papers with my whispers
Joined 24 April 2019

Filling the papers with my whispers
Joined 24 April 2019
30 APR AT 9:03

By grace, my quill writes.
Juxtaposing words in rhythm,
songs of Thy glory.
Joyous reflections in verse,
with faith, I commit to Thee.


30 APR AT 0:13

Raindrops on the roof.
Pitter-patter in springtime,
knock on nucleus.
The soul is thoroughly soaked,
parched heart hydrated with love.


28 APR AT 10:11

Rejoicing with rains,
the jaded glory revived.
Azured sky welcomes.
Thousand pearls on green carpet,
and slight scent of late winters.


27 APR AT 9:22

This glimmer of lights,
endless radiant pillars.
Shining stars descend,
jeweled chokers on terra.
Reflections of heaven's vault.


26 APR AT 17:18

The jangle of dreams,
collected in piggy bank.
On the wooden desk,
terracotta, oft I shake,
and the bucket lists rattle.


25 APR AT 6:40

Lovebirds on a wire.
Lively display of romance,
raw, pious and pure.
Roses bloom in lawn beneath,
just as a song in the heart.


24 APR AT 6:25

Down in the valley,
by the side of gurgling brook,
the hills bear witness,
to all our shenanigans,
this lush tranquil paradise.


23 APR AT 6:12

A gilt edged treasure,
faith in Thy pure holy name.
By grace, we persist.
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
For Thee shall prevail ever.


21 APR AT 21:33

Day breaks prettily.
With the soulful song of birds
golden globe rises.
The caress of dawn enthrals,
the gossamer veil of night.


21 APR AT 8:16

Ah! That silver streak!
At the seams of cloudy veil,
sun plays peek-a-boo.
The darkness begins to fade,
intense, the light that follows.


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