rounak biswas   (সো অহং)
557 Followers · 1.6k Following

Write...not to satisfy ego...but for God has make me like this bro
Joined 23 March 2018

Write...not to satisfy ego...but for God has make me like this bro
Joined 23 March 2018
18 APR 2018 AT 9:54

They never feel ashamed to touch
8 year's soft...innocent breast....
Even they never glanced others
All were animals then...
I know they will not stop
Today they will find a new...
But let's stop these together
With tears in our eyes...a few...


15 APR 2018 AT 18:11

My every words betray...
when I try...


13 APR 2018 AT 22:18

When two hearts break...
Do you know who win???
The egos win...your esteems win..
The story wins...the tragedy wins...
And above all...
The Reality wins...


8 APR 2018 AT 13:09

When your perspective change..u can go beyond mind..

Because of your deep contemplation...

Your existence vanishes..
You vanish... Your locality vanish...
You don't find you are here...
You are everywhere...
The entire creation lies within you...
You are one...
with that uniting existence....


8 APR 2018 AT 13:00

Heart has formed during 1st month of pregnancy... So no one is heartless...
The different lies in someone has sold it...someone kept it securely... Secretly...


5 APR 2018 AT 9:58

The superiors in this world has grown up on account of engulfing who couldn't flourish...
So the battle is now in between selection and sacrifice... But who is actually superior???
This is the central confusion...
To which...all other curiosities adhere...


4 APR 2018 AT 10:00

If world is a playground... Then Indians will surely go for the audience...because....
From childhood we all are passionate for "Armchair-Criticism"...
So the credibility gap always increase and increase... Days...after...days


3 APR 2018 AT 9:57

আমি নিজের কাছে নিজে রহস্য...তাই তো নিজের ওপর এত প্রবল টান...
ওকে আগাগোড়া সম্পূর্ণ চিনে ফেললে কবে ওকে টান মেরে ছুঁড়ে ফেলে একেবারে তুরীয় হয়ে যেতাম....


31 MAR 2018 AT 0:11

The great achievers often show humbleness and their relative inferiority... is actually the supreme point of their own ego...


29 MAR 2018 AT 0:13

বিধাতা যখন পুরুষ তৈরি করেন...তখন গুরু...ঝুলি ভর্তি পুঁথি আর তত্ত্ব...
আর মেয়েদের বেলা মাস্টারিতে জবাব দিয়ে..
হয়ে উঠেছেন আর্টিস্ট...
তখন শুধুই তুলি আর রঙ্গের বাক্স....


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